Five Star Homes - Charles Arnett
Ripoff and con-artist

Construction & Repair

In July my husband made an earnest money deposit in good faith, along with appraisal fees, to Charles Arnett of Culver, Indiana, for a property and manufactured home we were to buy located on SR 110 in Culver, Indiana.

Thankfully, before signing any contracts, we decided not to buy a home from Mr. Arnett after researching him thoroughly and finding out that from other home buyers - first hand - that he was not exactly walking in faith as the good Christian man that he professes to be.

I became suspicious of his activities when he continued to talk about how "the best people in the business and country" all work for him. WHAT?!?!? Did he really think we were that stupid, despite being novice home buyers?

We also could not get Mr. Arnett to provide us with any details of the choices of materials that would be used in the building of the home. When we asked, he always answered us with, "Well, we can do whatever you want to do." We never did receive a list of options available to us, causing further suspicion.

We began checking on permits for this property and found that the property had previously been used as a mobile home area and had a septic system to accommodate 6 mobile homes, which had NEVER been approved by Fulton County, and existing illegally. They enjoyed finding this out, and so did we. Of course, when presented with a copy of this paperwork finding, Mr. Arnett acted innocent and as though the County MUST be wrong. Well, the County wasn't wrong.

My husband and I never signed a contract, or even a purchase agreement for a home. Mr. Arnett is now refusing to return our earnest deposit indicating that he already purchased materials for a home and spent money on permits. I find this highly unlikely as there was NO signed contract. What builder in their right mind would build for someone when there is NO signed contract?

Mr. Arnett is nothing more than a common day criminal - getting money for NOTHING, and stealing it from hard working families.

Do NOT make the same mistake of trusting this seemingly good Christian man as my husband and I did. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and a very bad business man.

He is in business with his brother, Thomas Arnett, and his son, who has a construction business in Florida. He has various business names - which should have been another sign of trouble - Dutch Housing, Five Star Homes, among others.

Company: Five Star Homes - Charles Arnett
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Culver
Address: 7980 SR 110
Phone: 5748422540
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