Rob Brigden Jones
Beware of Rob Brigden Jones—ripoff artist and bully


We rented a home in Warriewood, NSW from Rob Brigden Jones. Rob Brigden Jones continually violated the lease agreement to the point where legal action was taken against him with the CTTT. The CTTT ruled against him and documented that Rob Brigden Jones acted unlawfully by ruling in favor of us, the renters, and awarding us monetary compensation for his violations. First, the house was not vacant upon our move-in. The prior renters possessions and Rob Brigden Joness personal affects were on the premises at the time we took occupancy.

It took months to have them removed. Second, the house was poorly maintained and infested with bugs. Third, Rob Brigden Jones continually showed up at the rental premises without notice. After we requested that he cease these unannounced visits in writing, he continued to come to the home without proper notice (he even acknowledged our request in writing as well). We began to suspect that he may be a sexual predator and could no longer leave our 12 year old daughter at home unattended by an adult for fear of Rob Brigden Jones stopping by with questionable intentions.

When we insisted that he could not come to our rental premises without the notice mandated in the NSW standard lease, he became aggressive and attempted to bully us. His aggressiveness was so severe that we had to have a licensed real estate agent accompany us on the premises for the final walk-through with Rob Brigden Jones, after terminating our lease with him. His temper and anger management is so out of control that he even attempted to bully us at the CTTT hearings. He has violated several of the CTTT tribunal rulings against him already and we are currently taking further legal action against him to collect the money that he owes us.

Upon investigating his personal and professional background, we have found many discrepancies in his character and performance. Rob Brigden Jones attempts to pass himself off as a disaster planning specialist. He is an independent contractor and self-employed. It has come to our attention that his former contracts have been terminated or not renewed because of his lack of professionalism and poor behavior. Beware if you are considering doing business with this person on any level. He has a reputation of presenting himself in a false manner and is potentially very dangerous. What he says and who he is are not one in the same. Beware! Do not put yourself, your family or your business in harms way! We feel very deceived by Rob Brigden Jones and are now paying the price.

Company: Rob Brigden Jones
Country: USA
Address: 187 Garden Street
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