Patient Power
Tamara Perkins, Andrew Schorr Patient Power where PROSTITUTION meets HEALTHCARE


Patient Power has a staff of prostitutes with a history of fraud and theft. Patient power founder Andrew Schorr in support of prostitution by employing prostitute and stripper Tamara Perkins. Tamara Perkins has a history of prostitution, fraud and theft. She is currently the producer for This brings into question the credibility of information that provides.

A man as intelligent as Andrew Schorr would only choose someone with a history of fraud and theft if he needed that person to commit fraud! Any company that knowlingly employs employees in key positions who have a history of prostitution, fraud and theft has bad intentions and anyone doing business with this company should be advised of the history of employing staff with a a history of fraud and theft. High risk. Be advised. Do not rely on company for credible information.

Company: Patient Power
Country: USA
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Andrew schorr, tamara perkins Former Prostitute & Stripper Tamara Perkins produces
Tamara Perkins Where prostitution meets patient care

P2 Minis
Tamara Perkins Prostitue & part-time producer has a history of fraud & theft

Tamara Perkins
11 N Havenridge Dr, Woodlands, TX 77381 Prostitute & Part-Time Producer Tamara Perkins has history of prostitution, fraud and theft

Tamara Perkins
Patient Power Prostitute and small-time Producer has history of fraud and theft. Creditors and Employers beware

Tamara Perkins
Prostitute & Part-Time Producer Tamara Perkins has history of prostitution, fraud and theft
P2 Minis Tamara Perkins producer. Fraud - Theft - Alert. Tamara Perkins - 11 N Havenridge Dr, The Woodlands Texas

Tamara Perkins, P2 Minis Prostitute & part-time producer has a history of fraud & theft

Tamara Perkins
Patient Power Don't be fooled Patient Power Tamara Perkins is a former prostitue and part-time stripper

Lastarya Tucker
Lastarya Tucker is a prostitute with a history of fraud and theft