Tamara Perkins
Patient Power Prostitute and small-time Producer has history of fraud and theft. Creditors and Employers beware


Creditors, Employers, Community Groups and Associations beware Tamara Perkins has a long history of prostitution, fraud and theft. She currently resides at 11 N. Havenridge Dr, The Woodlands, Texas 77381. Tamara Perkins is a prostitute and producer of PatientPower.info Mortgage companies, Insurance companies, Banks, Credit Unions, Underwriters, Appraisers, Brokers and other creditors and professionals be advised Tamara Perkins is a high risk applicant with a history of fraud and theft by deception and/or coercion with sex.


Company: Tamara Perkins
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: The Woodlands
Address: 11 N Havenridge Dr
Site: patientpower.info
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Tamara Perkins
11 N Havenridge Dr, Woodlands, TX 77381 Prostitute & Part-Time Producer Tamara Perkins has history of prostitution, fraud and theft

P2 Minis Tamara Perkins patientpower.info producer. Fraud - Theft - Alert. Tamara Perkins - 11 N Havenridge Dr, The Woodlands Texas

Tamara Perkins
Prostitute & Part-Time Producer Tamara Perkins has history of prostitution, fraud and theft

P2 Minis
Tamara Perkins Prostitue & part-time producer has a history of fraud & theft

Tamara Perkins
PatientPower.info, P2 Minis Prostitute & part-time producer has a history of fraud & theft

Andrew schorr, tamara perkins Former Prostitute & Stripper Tamara Perkins produces PatientPower.info

Tamara Perkins Where prostitution meets patient care

Patient Power
Tamara Perkins, Andrew Schorr Patient Power where PROSTITUTION meets HEALTHCARE

Tamara Perkins
Patient Power Don't be fooled Patient Power Tamara Perkins is a former prostitue and part-time stripper

Lastarya Tucker
Prostitute - Lastarya Tucker - Fraud - Theft - Sexual Coercion