Price rip off


In July they sent me a form to sign up for pre-pay and wanted $777.00 plus $29.00 to join there pre pay club. I didn't join because I don't have that kind of money laying around. I just returned from Yuma Az where propane is selling for $1.82. So the other day the delivery truck showed up and put 79 gallons in my the past my ticket always had a price on it but this time it didn't so I felt that something was up. So today I get my bill and they charged me $3.22 per gallon and with all there add-ons it is up to $3.67 per gallon. The big problem is that this area is so depress and 15% unployment so people are going without medicine to keep warm. These pepople should be made to live on $400.00 per monthe and see how they like it. But big companys are only thinking of more ways to line there pockets. And the sad part is that there competition is the same way. So we are just stuck.

Company: Amerigas
Country: USA
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Only Puts 15 Pounds Of Propane In A 20 Pound Tank! False and deceptive trade practice

Left out in the cold

Amerigas Propane
Ugi, ppi do not let amerigas propane low price offers suck you in!

Unauthorized delivery

Amerigas Propane
I believe they are price gouging. At $4.60/ gallon for propane, that's ridiculous

Price gouging

Lyle Charlier At Amerigas
Twice the price


Rip Off and Bad Service

Rip Off and Bad Service