Publishers Business Services
Publishers business services how can these people sleep at night


Like others I was duped, by their deceptive opening stating that they "just wanted to do a survey". I knew I should have hung up but being the nice (foolish) person that I am I also believed that these magazine subscriptions were a "gift".

Now that I want to cancel my subscription which they say I agreed not to cancel for 180 days (they played the recorded conversation for me) They have threatened to take me to court and I am afraid of being sent of collection.

I am terrified that they know where I work and fear that I will get harrassing phone calls. I have read of others that have been successful in their fight against this company and I hope that I will be able to cancel my subsciption too.

I just want to say to all the other nice people out there: "Just hang up"

Company: Publishers Business Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Altamonte Springs
Address: 217 N Westmont Dr Ste 2012
Phone: 8009492271
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Publishers Business Services
Tricked me into a magazine subscription that I later found out was non - cancelable and a 5 year contract!

Publishers Business Services - Publishers Direct SCAM Watch Out
Publishers Business Services - Publishers Direct FRAUD SCAM

Allied Publishers Service Of Mid Atlantic States
Allied Publishers Of Mid Atlantic States, These people will rip you off! File a report with the Better Business Bureau!

Publishers Business Services
Aka Publishers Direct Services Aka Subscription Order Services Aka PBS Deceptive selling practices of overpriced magazine subscriptions, setting up 5 year subscriptions plans without telling customers

Publishers Business Services
Ripoff! Deceptive phone scam! Magazine subscription ripoff!

Worldwide Preferred Publishers Services
Feel like I being harrassed send duplicates and too expensive

Publishers Business Services
Unwanted Magazine Subscriptions

Publishers Business Services
Publishers Business Services Company calls for "survey", then charges $700 shipping/handling for mag subscription arrive and won't cancel

Publisher Business Services AKA Publishers Direct Services, Ed Dantuma Enterprises
Publisher Business Services AKA Publishers Direct Services, Ed Dantuma Enterprises FRAUD, RIPPED OFF, DECEPTIVE PRACTICES, MAGAZINE SCAM

Publishers Business Services
Ripoff Contact Your States Attorney General and File a Complaint against this Magazine Scam, Deceptive Misleading Telemarketing, Ripoff Artists