Steven Craig
KEEN Blocked me from sending e-mail after I left a comment of only 2 stars because his pridictions didn't happen. California


Called this particulare 'psychic" for help. Was positive I would hear something within a couple of weeks. After several weeks, I sent my feedback with only 2 stars and explained I heard nothing and nothing happened. I had the courtesy to respond so others could judge whom they felt were true and really gifted. This individual Steven Craig, will block anyone that does not give him 5 stars, even if their predictions never transpired. What an ungrateful individual. You told me something and it did not happen?!! Instead you block the person from sending an additional e-mail because you are more concerned with $ and stars. You are an individual that clearly has an errogant agenda with only your interests at hand, which is $. Be grateful that people gave you $, and 2 stars for the effort. Even though your prediction that did not happen, how dare you block someone that once again, give you the benefit of the doubt and at least gave you a star or two. Perhaps that timing was off. You have lost so much money and others calling in because of your errogent attitude of not receiving 5 stars. What? Why would we give you 5 stars if would you said after the time you gave and then some still did not happen? What goes around comes around and those individuals will have to answer to the LORD come their day of judgement. Think about that one Mr. Steven sunglasses Craig, because you've got something to hide, self serving, greedy, ungrateful human being.

Company: Steven Craig
Country: USA
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