Best Buy
Brand new computer not working properly. No help fro Best Buy - Customer Service Return


I purchased a compaq cq60-615x notebook less than a month ago. When I got home I realized the box was already opened.inside there were Restore CD's with handwritting on them and installed on my computer was Webroot software. This computer has been running extremely slow (3 minutes to open word). I tried to run webroot, but my 6 month trial subscription has ended, (even though I just bought the computer). I went to Geek squad. A guy looked at it and said everything was fine. He said that with a 2G memory things will tend to run slower. He also made sure with "msconfig" that there wasnt anything running on start up. I have another laptop (Toshiba) that is 2Gig as well and runs fine? Oh well I figure I guess I just bought a crappy computer. I was upset. Then I walked over to look at the laptops and figured I'd spend some more this time and get a better brand. While I was looking I checked out the model that I had bought. Everything was running fine on that one. Word opened right away. I did MSconfig and saw there was a whole bunch of stuff running? Why is mine so slow. I called customer service. Was on the phone for 34 minutes and she went to call my local store and ended up hanging up on me. I dont really feel like spending another half hour on the phone. Can someone please help. I have a feeling I got a computer that was previously returned. Why else would a 6 month trial software be expired. That I didnt put there in the first place.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
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