Bela Nova Model Management
Mary Funmite Request perfumes for models?


Initially I got a request from Mary wanting to order products from me. This is easily done by requesting contact by an Avon representative off the Avon website. I responded stating that I could drop off a booklet for her to look at, she could order online, or send me a list of the items with product numbers and description. Two days later I received a reply listing items she needed. Mary stated that she is actually from NC but will be coming to IA for 'showbiz'. She also wrote: "We have prefer to order online but for now all purchases in our company are done with paper payment so i would love you to place the order for me." The sentence structure is very suspicious, as well as not capitolizing "I". Working for a model agency one would think they would write correctly? Another red flag was that she was ordering 8 items, and 3 of each item. Not only was that odd, but ordering 4 different kinds of perfume for a modeling agency? And wrinkle cream? What kind of modeling do they do where they need to smell good and get rid of wrinkles? Mary ends the e-mail with the following: "I would need to know the total of all the products i requested for and also the name and address you want the payment sent to and also a phone number i can reach you on. After you send me this information the Manager of our company will mail you a check for the payment, which you can cash instantly at your bank because we need these items there in IA before the date of the event and they will be picked up at your location Upon my Arrival in IA... I hope to read from you soon with all details required.." asking for my name, address, and phone number. So, some manager will write me a check and I have to cash it at my bank? I don't think so. Why go through all this trouble ordering items from out of state? I don't want to find out. I hope that this article helps others realize not to have any further contact with these people, whoever they are, where ever they are from. My guess is this is from out of the United States, due to their improper translation from whatever language to English. Please don't fall for this. I realized this to be a ripoff from my own hunch and google. Thank you for reading. I hope it helps you.

Company: Bela Nova Model Management
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Address: 301 North Wilmington Street
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Bela Nova or a Christy Wills
Sent me an e-mail wanting to order Avon, but could only pay with "paper", even though they liked to order on-line. She was supposed to be a personal manager and did not even know how to write a busine

Bela Nova Model Management
Multiple Scams when trying to order with AVON

Bela Nova Model Management
Dennis Katherine (Assistant Personnel Manager) Wanted to buy AVON and send me a paper check

Bela Nova Model Management
Lopez Helena, Wanted me to order several products from AVON for there showbiz in Indiana

Bela Nova Model Management
AVON scam

Bela Nova Model Management
Large AVON orders being placed and paid for by Cashiers check

Bela Nova Model Management
Fradulant person

Bela Nova Model Management
Joy Sahsha ordered products and sent a counterfeit check

Bela Nova Model Management
Brittney Longstreet Sly Company requesting product based on unconfirmed information

Bela Nova Model Management
Fraud company sending requests for orders