Rude Waitress


The waitress was so rude. Had no smile, when she asked me to order made me not want anything? When my Boyfriend told her she forgot to take half of on the appetizer she rolled her eyes with an attitude and asked whyyy. After a long day of work 8am-5pm class 6pm-9pm I stop by at Applebee’s to meet up with my boyfriend and his cousins to watch the game and relax I get a rude waitress. I understand some people are rude by nature but when you’re working as a waitress you either suck it up and be nice or go to McDonalds.

Company: Applebees
Country: USA
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Applebee's Restaurant - AppleBees Restaurant

Red Bluff Applebee's
Rude Waitress!

Applebees Bar & Grill
Terrible experience - Hosting and waitress

Poor service

Pastor? Alois Bell

Red Bluff Applebee's
Rude Waitress

Applebees Bar & Grill

Applebees Neighborhood Grill and Bar
Served our appetizer, steak together at the same time = salad came later - then steak went to warming light for 10 minutes

Applebees Bar & Grill
Waitress vary -RUDE-AND BAD MOUTH! - waitress

I Hop Corp
Ude waitress