URentdvd.com, URentdvd's free trial offer is a serious ripoff scheme "Beware"


All I can say is learn from my mistake. URentdvds is a adult rental site based on the popular Netflix model. I signed up for their free 10 day trial which sounded great. I could rent out three films at a time for the trial period. And the company gave you a week to send all the films back after the trial ended, It was pretty much a no brainer I assumed.

The company sent the films two at a time the third would come a day later. Toward the end of the 10 day period, I sent the two films I had back and I canceled the trial. They immediately charged my card, deleted my account then sent the third film a week later. It didn't even seam real It happen so quickly.

I tried to call and complain but guess what, theres absolutely no contact information with the exception of a support email address. I fired off complaint after complaint there were all ignored and I was sent generic messages.

To make a long story short I ended up going to the bank and changing my debit card number to prevent them from charging me any further. Beware of this company.


Company: URentDVD
Country: USA
Site: urentdvds.com
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Charged cancellation fee for the free trial which they didn't tell you in the beginning

URentDVD, www.urentdvd.com, Urentdvds
Major Rip-Off Scheme Internet

CBT media group
Wantedlist Scam Artists.com

Charged for Movies that I did not view

Unauthorized billing

Whitening Fast
Ivory White False advertisement of free trial period

Pocono MRI Imaging Center
Ripoff the business that doesnt give a dam

Unauthorized Charges and False Accusing

Billed for 7 adult movies that I did not orde

End send the films to me