All Fulfillment Services
Afs, inc. fake company! Uses another company's website as their own


All Fulfillment services is a scam! They will take your bank account information and promise to pay you up to $2,300 a month, but will take money from your account instead!

When I was contacted by "David Burrows", I thought it might be too good to be true. But the website looked legit, and the documents I was sent (like the job description) looked real. So I filled out the paperwork, thinking I would be getting a job as a Service Coordinator, but when I got a job without an interview, I thought it was a little suspicious.

After more investigation, I discovered that the address on their website was actually the address of another company, AtLast Fulfillment. (*AtLast Fulfillment is a REAL company! *). Then when I visited AtLast Fulfillment's website, I discovered that it was EXACTLY the same as the website "David Burrows" had given me.

I called AtLast Fulfillment and told them of this company that was posing as them to steal innocent people's information and rob them of their money. All Fulfillment Services is now going to be sued as they are, in fact, a FAKE company. Even the phone number I called for them sounded fake—the man's recording on the voicemail sounded like an American trying WAY too hard to fake an Australian accent!

DO NOT fall into their trap like I almost did! Thankfully my husband (a businessman) read the "contract" that All Fulfillment Services tried to get me to sign and found that it was shaky. (They even put in their contract that if we, the employees, signed, it would give the Company permission to take money from our account when they pleased).

Stay away from All Fulfillment services!!! And if you get any emails from "David Burrows" DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!!

Company: All Fulfillment Services
Country: USA
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