Complaint - jewlery counter at checkout


I was shopping at Target (300 South Bristol street Santa Ana CA 92703) on Saturday August 7. I was planning to buy a new watch for my son. I was standing next to the jewelry section waiting for someone to assist me for about an hour. While I was waiting a few sales representatives walk by me pretending not to see me. Also, I was waiving trying to get someone’s attention but no one came. I got upset and went home without a watch.
Today, after work, I went to the same Target, for the same reason. Again, I was waiting for about an hour, and again, no one came. While I was waiting I was trying to get someone’s attention (again) I even went inside the “jewelry” section (to use their trash can). I know that customers aren’t allowed to be there, but it didn’t seem to bother anyone. This time I was really upset and asked to talk to the manager. The supervisor name Jaime said that he will assist me. While I was trying to explain him, how unsatisfied I was, he was cutting my sentences and talking to me as I was “retarded” or an “idiot”. He said that no one was paying any attention to me because, I didn’t posh the customer service button. I was waiting for an hour (for two days) walking aroung the section and didn’t see the “customer service botton”. It was located between two promotion stands on the table, and it wasn’t easy to see it. I suggested that the button has to be relocated to more visible place, but he said that everyone can see it except me. It was the “last drop” so I asked for the manager. When I started to complain to the manager name Bob, about everything he just walked out on me.

I did buy the watch today, and I want to continue to use this store in the future, because it next to my house. But I felt like I was treated badly there. Certainly the customer service has to be improved, and management has to be more respectful to their clients.

Don’t hesitate to call me should you have any questions.

949-525-2587 Victoria

Country: USA
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