Complaint-Surge Protector - Belkin Surge Protecto


On 3/13, I purchased a Belkin Surge Protector from Target in Pearland TX. When I got home, it was apparent that the unit did not match the picture shown on the box. It did NOT have a Phone/Fax protection feature and was beige, not the black color on the box. I tried to return it, but mgmt. Said it didn't match receipt bar code. I don't know how this unit got into box, but I am out $19.29 tax for a Target error. I don't expect to ever shop there again.

Company: Target
Country: USA
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Surge Protector Complaint - Surge Protecto

Radio Shack
Ripoff repair center said theyknew that it was a problem system, why sell it to their customers?!

Consumer Report

Surge protection device
Surge protection device
Consumer Report

Heat Surge
Where Mu Refund

Belkin International Inc
Router capabilities not as advertised on box

Echostar Satellite, DISH Network
Would not replace TV after power surge - after install techs told me they had wired surge protector during installation

DELL Computer Corporation
Ripoff dishonest not refunding our money after they screwed up our orde

Best Buy
Best Buy, very poor customer experience