Sun Imaging Web Development and Management
Unfair and unprofessional practices in a talk forum


My wife went on the internet on and around the end of December to gather signatures to reinduct Mr. Stephen Stills into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. She was told by her Aunt RedJean to go into the forum because you can reach more of Mr. Stills fans. All was well for a time but on May Jackie met Stephen Stills at a private function and took very treasured photos of the two of them and she in turn told his wife who took the pictures that she loved her husband all of her life. His wife had no negitive reactions but when the photos hit Face Book she Jackie got nasty emails from some named FWIW and nasty comments from the person now the modulator named Julie. I believe her last name is Cochran. Jackie kept being harrassed and belittled as being crazy and a stalker and was complained about being creepy by other members of the forum. No warnings were given but did receive one where she was told that if Jackie would not stop posting such intimate and embarrasing posts about Mr. Stills that if there was any more complaints the administrator was shutting the forum down and it be her fault if it was. Then she was banned a few months later and ever since no one from there (her town) can get in the forum because they are recording her IP address and in the town's (Porterville Ca. And Tulare county library) they are also recording personal emails and if you have one they think was her, s they either ban them immeadiately or delete the registration and user name and password and say it is invalid another word or trick that says REMOVED. NO one gets in without this: WHEN YOU REGISTER YOU MUST HAVE SECRET CAPTCHAS and be approved by a staff member and that never happened before as the forum was welcoming and friendly. All of this happened because Julie has made this a personal sounding board and she bans or delete anyone at whim and will and you no longer can get in. I am privy to the fact that she has deleted or banned at least 40 people living and breathing that she assumes is Jackie and Jackie Watkins Mcknight. This woman no longer owns a computer nor does she live in this town so it is not her they are banning and removing. I am considering suing her and her staff for hurting her and her family and friends and being cruel and predudiced against her. What do you think? Must I sue to get my point across that they cannot keep getting away with this. She is so heartbroken over this I believe she may hurt herself out of dispair. She has already left me twice because I promised her I would fix this. Is a lawsuit necessarry? I will let you folks decide what the next course I should take. I believe this Julie is a power mad menace and it is her who should be shut down and let this forum be given back to the fans it was meant for. Thank You Don McKnight

Company: Sun Imaging Web Development and Management
Country: USA
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