Consumer Telecom, Inc
Usbi $ charged for services never used


Unaware and dumb founded to discover when I tried to change services on my phone bill, that I was paying a long distance company $ 4.72 a month. Consumer Telecom, Inc. Frankly I never knew I had long distance on my home phone, I didn't need it, that's why we have cell phones, to prevent using outragesly priced so called " we have a deal" there are no deals, just hyped telemarketers trained by their employer promising them a deal of a lifetime, in the end we all get scr_wed. And they think we are wrong for complaining. It gets to the point, in trying to talk these types of people they just piss you off, its like you try to tell them why your upset, and they just don't get it, they have no brains and no conscious, they know that they are robbing the unaware consumer, and yet they can sleep at night. Like my momma used to say, their like trying to have a conversation with a brick wall. I think just by what I have said everyone reading this knows how I feel, and how I was treated. The only thing that is going to stop these kind of people, and believe me there are way too many to count. It's sad, really sad, how many people can obtain a license, to rob! And they do it for free! To report this company and all the other thiefs please call, it's the only way to stop all this nonsense. Help each other and lets give these jerks just what they deserve, before they do it again.

Company: Consumer Telecom, Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
Phone: 18884808724
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Consumer telecom long distance
Elderly harassment

US Telecom/Qwest
Continue to Bill when phone services turned off

U S Telecom Long Distance
Consumer alert unwanted charges Las Vegas

USA Telecom Long Distance
Consumer alert!

Consumer Telecom, Inc
Consumer Telecom - Used false and misleading information to get me to agree to services

Telecom USA
Slammed by Telecom USA/Verizon

And LDC Telecom Slammed my account, can't seem to get rid of them Ripoff

Consumer Telecom
He said he was going to lowe my long sistance bill to 2.95 a month for long distance for low usage but then I would be charged for each call

Lydia Long distance charges after request to disconnect unsolicitted service

Consumer Telcom, Inc
Consumer Telecom, Inc does NOT accept written correspondence