ICM - internet cash machines
Withdrew 149.50 from my account


I noticed my account was negative and when I inquired on my account I found that 149.95 had been withdrawn from my account without my prior knowledge or consent.
When I contacted ICM they verified all of my mailing information as being correct but what did not match was the email that was used to create the account. When I told them I had been a victim of credit card theft they simply said " sir there is nothing that we can do and you need to take it up with your financial institution to get it resolved". No refund, no investigation, no referrel to a department that could further assist me so basically (sir) your screwed.
They were nice enough to tell me the email address that had been used but said that it didn't matter if it was not yours because all they use is the mailing address and credit card information to verify everything.
I have contacted my bank and I am in the process now of filing a credit fraud report but I will definitely take this further because regardless of someone stealing your information and using it unlawfully ICM should have better security measures to help protect the consumers against this type of thing from happening.

Company: ICM - internet cash machines
Country: USA
State: California
Site: icmwebsite.com
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