Mountain Mikes Pizza
Racial Bond?


Here's the scoop..

I have worked for this company almost 6 years now. I still make $8.50 an hour number one, but thats another story. Number 2 I have seen many employees come and go but none of them even remotely close to what you are about to hear of.

My boss is Punjabi and very ironically he hires mostly people of his own race. Now this employee in particular I am speaking of also happens to be punjabi indian.

About 2 years ago this employee was hired as a Manager. Everything was great for about a year before things really took a weird change. Since this year he has done nothing but bully around fellow employees, verbally harass them, and tell stories of his life that are just sickening such as raping a woman while videotaping it.

Every employee he does not like, he does his best to target them and make them so upset that they quit, and he has done well so far. He upsets them by trash talking their personal life, telling them how much of a piece of sh*t they are, how stupid they are, etc... He is 22 years old, and a manager of a business for crying out loud... I'm just a shift leader and I would never ever talk like that to one of my fellow co workers.

A couple months ago roughly (and this event is on tape), he had aggressively shoved the cashier girl into a fire extinguisher that resulted in her having to file an injury report and go to the hospital in which the manager said "I was just playing around"... Yeah... Because thats how all managers play around.

Now on to my case... Last month while I was working, he approached me after the Owner had left the store. He started trash talking me about being late for work and how stupid and useless and retarded I am. I had enough and told him to get the hell out of my face because I was really enraged at that point... He walked off and I thought that was it... Now a week later I get off work and come back an hour later to retrieve my sunglasses. While talking to another co-worker of mine, the same manager comes back to the store and starts asking me if I cleaned the "dough bowl" after using it. I told him "No because I have to come back in a few hours and roll more dough."... And after saying that he said, "Go f*ck your fat girlfriend."... Now I do have a girlfriend who is of average weight and very easily offended when people talk about her weight... I told him to shut his mouth and right before I was about to walk over and knock him in the mouth, I told him he wasn't worth it and I walked out to cool down.

I came back a few hours later and I questioned him "What gives you the right to talk about my girlfriend like that?"... He said "I can talk about WHATEVER I want, its called freedom of speech."... The best part about it... I have him recorded saying that on my phone because I needed evidence to show my boss.

After this happened I waited for my boss to show up and called him in his office for an emergency meeting... I played the tape for him and he said "this is the best way, and now I understand why you don't want to work with him... Take Saturday and Sunday off because now I'm going to f*ck with him."... The problem with this... By taking those days off which are the managers only 2 days he works. It cuts back my hours by alot and I have a family to feed. The manager doesn't.

To this very day the manager continues to harass employees and he still works with us... There is even a 3rd employee... This one really aggrivates me... This employee is a 50 year old asian man who speaks very little english. And because he does weird things and says weird things. He is another target to the store manager... He is constantly being harrassed and asked if he's ever "f*cked a girl" and things like that.

This pig of a manager needs to be TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY!!!

Company: Mountain Mikes Pizza
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rocklin
Address: 5505 Whitney Blvd
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