Shady billing practices


Everyday I receive complaints from the billing practices of a company called websaversclub.com. They automatically debit and credit consumer accounts without authorizations (according to all the complaints I have received.)

I have a small web design firm in Miami FL with a similar web name (I had mine first) called websavers.com. I received so many complaints that I had to take down my phone number.

I contacted websaversClUB.com and asked them to place their telephone number on their debit and credit card charges. They have not changed their practices so I must assume they do not want to handle these calls.

I am hoping that responding to some of these mis-directed complaints the President of websaversCLUB.com will change their billing practice by placing their phone number on their charges.


Company: Websaversclub.com
Country: USA
Site: websaversclub.com
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Websaveclub.com - IWorksIworks Inc
[parent Company] Free trial never came through (i. E no further communicae), but the "Trial Period" ended & I was chrg'd $34.95

They took $29.98 out of my checking account, I called them, I told them I did not authorize them to take money out of my account, Not to mention I could not understand the lady one the phone

One more classic ripoff


Personal Voice, Inc
Illing scams

TLG-Great Fun
I was charged 14.99 per month on my credit card which was not authorized by me or my wife

WMConnect, Wal-Mart, Compuserve
Ripoof, fraudulent billing practices

Pioneer Telephone
False charges, Failure to correct billing errors Illegal collection practices

M Billing

Billing Practices in Violation of FTC Statutes and Good Faith and Fair Dealing