ICM Web sites
They have got my bank aact info with out my permission and took 139.95 out of my acct and they want refund it


Just today i was informed that my bank acct has been over drawn by icm which i dont even know who they are has taken some money without my permission. I called them to find out how they got it and the lady didnt want to talk to me she just was very mean and she said they will cancel my acct that i never opened in the first place but they will not give my money back. That i would have to take it up with the bank.

Company: ICM Web sites
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los angfeles
Address: 10250 constellation blvd l
Phone: 8778633088
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Info experian direct
Charging acct and now acct bounced due to the charge. No permission to charge acct

Direct benifits
Stole money out of my bank account

Ea games
Pogo took money out of my bank acct. Without my permission after i notified them not to

Bank one
Ripoff took my money out of bank & accused me of doing it cant get a bank acct anywhere illinois

Consumer Report

Capital Vacations
Had my Daughters Acct # took 149.00 out of her acct w/out permission no refund to date

They accesed my personal acct. Without my permission and stole $149.95

U Clip Coupons cs
Unknown Took money from my checking acct. Without my permission. Did not ever talk to anyone or give my acct. Number out. Unknown

Money Mutual
Sold my account info to various companies and caused my bank account to be closed

Mwi Homeworks Plus
Ripoff I want to know how they took money out of my account without permission