Shop N Chek
Mystery shop


I was called late Friday, 4/30 by a company called Marketforce AKA Shop N Chek to do a mystery shop at Ace Hardware in Winner, SD. They begged me to do it as they were in dire need of getting this done. It is a 100 mile round trip and they finally agreed to a $58. Fee to complete. I did this and when I entered my report they came back at me saying I did not follow guidelines which is a blatant lie! Now they will pay me nothing!

Company: Shop N Chek
Country: USA
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Vital Chek
Credits owed to me

Franchise Compliance
Mystery shopping ripoff

Frontline Consumer Research Group
Secret shopper scam they mail you a bad check for $3600.00

Corland Mystery Shop On Line
Corland mystery shop ripe off

Sassieshop, trendsource, western management, lewis management Mystery in Mystery shop: When will I get Paid?

When you mystery shop for Intellishop you expect to get paid. When it's time to pay, they don't!

North America, Summit Scheduling, or HDE Mystery Shopping
Fee not paid for services rendered

Freeuk promo
Freelotto mobile won 72000000 pouds

Franchise Compliance
Still not paying for completed Mystery Shops

My Mystery Shop Link
Total ripoff, scam, Deceptive, Fraud Vantura