My Mystery Shop Link
Total ripoff, scam, Deceptive, Fraud Vantura

Internet & Web

I heard an advertisment on the radio to become a mystery shopper in my location. The one time signup fee was $99.95. When I called I had to signup for a coupon book and some type of discount medical package that took me eons to cancel. After several attempts, I finally was able to cancel with much reluctance from the phone represenative.

I signed up last year in December and I have jet to get an asignment. I followed the instructions and received My Mystery Shop certification. With each assignment I applied, I had to fill out more long questionaires. I was never chosen for an assignment. I even had to pay for more certification and that was not a part of the deal at all. I e-mailed My Mystery Shop and a represenative called be back with no real explanations but just a lot of hot air and talking in circles. The other times I tried to make contact I got no response back.

I feel I was ripped of and everyone involved new it was a ripoff from the very beginning.

Company: My Mystery Shop Link
Country: USA
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