CWco Chris White
Acheck was illegaly written to my Sun Trust checking acct. For $47.00 for pro. Material which I never received


I requested information about qa mail-order business this company was promoting. On April 22nd the company wrote a check on my Sun Trust checking account for $47.00. I did not authroize such paymnet, and never received anything from the company. Rev. Floyd P. Duff

Company: CWco Chris White
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Alexandria
Address: 5810 Kingstowne Ct. Drive, Ste. 729
Phone: 7032296712
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The Chris White Company/CWco
Profits for Chris White NOT FOR YOU!

Bank Of America
Ripoff, charging insuficient funds fees on your own money

Wellington Companies
Goldpaq This company requested a voided blank check to use to deposit payment to my checking account-I have received two checks IN THE MAIL WHY DO THEY NEED MY VOIDED CHECK—MAYBE TO ACCESS MY CHECKING ACCOUNT?

Ivory White
I ordered a FREE TRIAL for $1.00 and to make a long story short, Ivory White took 78.41 from my Checking Acct. Very sneaky. Now my rent check will bounce!
Consumer Report

Consumer Trust
They tool 149.00 from my checking acct

Gibson Trust
This company violated my trust & ripped me off!

Crescent Bank And Trust
Rip Off Company and Scam Artist

Ripoff took $97 from acct order canceled return items sign receipt No refund given

Order from Oklahoma-outlet, send them a check, cashed my check but did not send my stuff