Rev. Isidro Bolanos
Pastor isidro bolanos scam, brooklyn


I've been a victim of Mr. Isidro Bolanos and his associate's scam (Mr. Carlos Torres; Mr. Ariel Torres; pastor Beltre; pastor Montalvo; pastor de la hoz etc.). I was hired for a ficticious job in the beginning of the 2010. As a result of being offered this ficticious job I declined other employment opportunities as I was offered an outstanding opportunity to work with the Brooklyn community as a counselor. Ms. Norma and Ms. Josephina offered me a salary of approximately $4,000.00 per month.

For the past two months I've been waiting for my paycheck. I've been in trainning in several of the churches in Brooklyn with promises of getting my paycheck from a variety of social entities, amongst them are World Vision; American Charities; American Holding Charities, etc. I've also been promised a benefits package that includes: a metrocard; uniform vouchers; laptops; apartment and a worship temple for those whom are pastors.

The only thing that Mr. Bolanos and his associates have actually done is speak to those present for numerous hours on end regarding the certainty and reliability of his promises. Amongst the speakers present were; pastor Montalvo; pastor Beltre; pastor dr. Gilberto Pichardo; pastor Carlos Torres; pastor Ariel Torres Sr.; pastor Ariel Torres Jr.;pastor Joel torres, pastor Vega; and others that affirmed that everything that was being said was true and that we were being paid.

The curious thing about the matter is that the so called philanthropist Ms. Kristina Morris does not exist and her name was being used in order to maintain the scam of regularly passing the collection plate for an offering during every service and selling us food as we were kept in these so called rudimentary trainnings from 8:00am until 5:00pm. Amongst the lies we were told is that Ms. Kristina Morris' mother had passed away; that Ms. Morris took the key where are emploment packages (metro card; uniforms and debit card for bi-monthly payment) were kept. Furthermore, we were given a ficticious location for our place of work i.E. The Army Brooklyn Terminal building 3. Although the Army Terminal exists there is no building 3 and those in charge of the Army Terminal rental neither know Mr. Bolanos nor those organizations he claims to be affiliated with. Finally, Mr. Bolanos' associates now claim that "our checks for approximately 5oo people is in the mail".

Company: Rev. Isidro Bolanos
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: 358 VONBRUST AVE
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