Youth Voice Initiative
YVI Fraudulent Organization, infighting, began collecting money before it went "non profit"


Go to the page that's linked to from Lika's Blog, by searching the U.S. Copyright Office's database for this Registration number: TXu 1-590-504 on the web address: http://cocatalog. Loc. Gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon. Cgi? DB=

Narrowing the search by only searching Registration Numbers, and the search came up blank. There is an outdated statement that might come up under another search. Yes, Petra Luna (cofounder of YVI) held a copyright for a short period of time, before it expired, and it was paid for by someone with the Cause after that, thus keeping it out of Petra's scamming hands.
The current copyright holder is a lawyer, and the new copyright that is currently valid is a much longer lasting copyright. The U.S. Copyright Office keeps all copyright holders, past and present, on file, but apparently rarely updates their online records.
I've seen the current copyright, and it's not outdated. The

Web address that displays the violation of U.S. Federal Law is:
I previously said that Lika collected donations through her sites without having a tax status. Those you that saw her sites before the date on her letter giving her a tax status, know that she was illegally collecting donations, without being non-profit yet.

Under U.S. Federal Law, donations cannot be collected for a company, without the person doing so having a tax status, or it's a violation of Federal Law.
Lika collected donations before having been granted a tax status, therefore she violated U.S. Federal Law.
She had a PayPal donation link on her YVI site back when Daniel and I were running security for YVI, which was over a year ago. We informed her that using it without a tax status was a felony, and she proceeded to slander us, so we left, as to eliminate being caught in her being charged with a Federal Offense.
The date on her letter granting her a tax status is dated June.

The REAL people responsible for April's Law posted a blog DENOUNCING Lika and Luna's involvement with or affiliation to it in any way shape or form. This sites representation is illegal. There is a copy of the COPYRIGHT that the REAL people responsible for April's Law filed for. Several people

Have more than enough proof to PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that what Lika and Luna are doing is ILLEGAL. They are using dead children for monetary donations. They are using a real cause as a front for a

Scam! If Lika is such a staunch supporter of children's rights, and is so against child abuse, you tell me WHY HAS SHE NOT TURNED IN her friend WENDY? Her supposed best friend? Why you ask? Because she posts pictures of herself and her child in questionable scenario's on a public social site! She has a picture of herself and a child, who I assumed is her daughter, holding a copy of High Times magazine. A few pictures after are photos of Wendy smoking out of a pipe full of marijuana! Again. Enough for prosecution. The ones who write here that are not supporting this cause do so because we have been made aware of all of their LIES! There is no excuse! We have proof! They have made a mockery of a dead childs memory, and it is disgusting! Shame on you all for following like sheep. NO ONE deserves to make money from a child's death! Ever!

Company: Youth Voice Initiative
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Racine
Phone: 18778295500
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The Gaydiamond Trilogy
Aka acutus ptolemy copyright theft, blatant copyright theft after over 250 dmca notices

Legal Zoom
Applied for a copyright and never received it after paying Legal Zoom almost 200.00
I paid them to copyright a script, and I never heard from them again

Legal Zoom

The Young Turks
Copyright Scandalers
Rat unscrupulous company
Copyright Infringement

Dick Francis, author
Dick Francis, author copyright infringement, plagiarism, copyright violation, copy cat, Breach of confidence, singularity of letters design and patents act 1988 copyright theft
Gary Lynn Dewitt - Threatens Copyright Infringement of others work!
Ripoff copyright theft stole a photo making a profit on my work breaking copyright law