Kristen mills
She tolld me that she cast a spell within 14 days but nothing never happen


Was up to everyone out there that to get help from theses people that say can cast a spell i been screwed as well they tell you have a curse to get more out of you there is some people no how to do it but its hard to find somebody who honest any this lady saying she a voodoo masters and she told me she can cast a spell within 14 days she told me its 400 dollars i told her i got 300 dollars and i will pay you the rest the next following week it never happen she calling me saying she working on it and that the last time i hear from her she ran game on me so if you see her website dont bother going to it when you call it goes to voices mail and she call you back asking what can i help you with trust me she a scam her name is Kristen Mills that what she tell me no telling how many people she pulled scam on if you see a web sites voodoo please dont go to it people like that make for other people trying to help people that really can do voodoo im out holla and be careful that person

Company: Kristen mills
Country: USA
Phone: 6463025308
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