Voodoohex.com Iox Bamboda
Scam scam scam

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered a spell off Voodoohex, Iox Bamboda. Iox told me too get a red candle for the candle ceremony.
After that I never heard another thing. No spell was done. I lost my money 395.86.
Obviously a scam. Can I get my money back? I paid by Western Union. I do not want other people losing their money and their hopes.
This is a massive fraud scam ring. Lots of web sites. Operating out of Argentia and Sweden. Voodoo hex supposed too be in New Orleans.
I am more upset that I was hoping the spell would work so much. My dreams have been taken away from me. Because what spell caster could you trust after this.

Company: Voodoohex.com Iox Bamboda
Country: USA
Phone: 5043582398
Site: voodoohex.com
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Www.voodoohex.com www.mytralthemystic.com SCAM SCAM SCAM

Mr. IOX BAMBODA Voodoo Internet Spell Scammer Internet

Iox bamboda stole my money scam lier fraud voodoo

Iox bamboda, mythralthemistic.com, lack of respect for peoples money and hopes, Internet

Firstchoicepsychic.com, resultsintwohours.com
Psychic, spell caster fraud psychic & spell fraud & scam markham, Ontario Canada

Mambo Nelly.com
Warning. Rip off spell/voodoo woman internet

Mr. Bamboda VOODOO Internet Scam

Mythral The Mystic
Bruce Bruce is nothing but a scam his forum is false to scam people into using his spell casters! Scam scam scam

Firstchoicepsychic.com, resultsintwohours.com
Psychic & spell

Iox Bamboda and many more Bruce SMith has this website that he states they are real spell casters. Fake!