AT&T Mobility - AT&T Wireless
Retaliation and harassment plus stole my personal belongings


I was an employee with AT&T for over 4 years when I was terminated by my boss, Desiree Berg out of retaliation because she wanted me to fire one of my employees which I told her was unethical because his previous manager did not provide him the required coaching he was entitled to nor was never available, more or less a very poor performing manager and when I received my new team I received quite a few employees from other managers that are considered Desiree's "favorites" and I found a lot of work not done and when we as managers do not do our minimum required job duties, we are supposed to be coached and placed on discipline in which I know that these managers were not. Desiree Berg told me I did not have a choice and that this employee was to be fired. I was planning on going to our Ethics department to report this information as well as the information against the other managers putting their employees on job performance discipline when they weren't doing their work. Before I was provided the opportunity, I was fired. Right out of the blue we were sitting in our manager staff meeting and Desiree had her email up and the email came through about my final paycheck in which all my peers could see, very embarrassing I would say. After the meeting I asked to speak with her and asked if I was being fired and she said yes. When I asked why she smirked and then laughed about the email popping up in our staff meeting. She handed me me my final check, I tried to speak but she just wanted me out of her office. I asked about my personal belongings at my desk and said that I would wait to have them packed up by her, she denied my request to wait for my belongings and said she would do it on her own time. Not even a week after my termination I received harassing, taunting SMS via Snooper, an ATT internal application used by it's employees. I filed an FCC complaint in which I received a call from AT&T's OOP where I was pretty told nothing would happen. After that I received a box with my belongings in it and to my surprise my pictures were taken out of my photo frames, my mug was taken, my opening series Boston Redsox Baseball was also missing. I reported this to the Ethics department were I was contacted by an employee from that department, Sandra Moreno, who pretty much called me a liar stating that they wouldn't take my belongings and that the cases have been closed. I will say during my employment under Desiree Berg I was discriminated against, harassed, bullied and intimidated. I also know of another great manager who was terminated just because Desiree didn't want him on her team. I have explained this to the Ethics department and I know that they did not do an investigation as to my allegations because all of the witnesses I listed were never contacted by AT&T's internal Ethics Department (Sandra Moreno). I am writing this as a consumer as when I received the taunting SMS, my AT&T account was moved over to a consumer, and my rights as a consumer were violated and I know AT&'s Code Of Business Conduct states that an employee that proceeds to access a consumer's account and harass them is a violation of privacy and will result in immediate termination. When the representative from the OOP office called me to basically tell me that she can't tell me anything, I asked her how are we as consumer's of AT&T supposed to feel secure with our accounts and want to stay with this company when behavior such as this is being tolerated by the company and it's employees. She didn't have a response, of course.

Company: AT&T Mobility - AT&T Wireless
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Pueblo
Address: 100 S. Main Street
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Ethics policy violation. Employee assault, harassment, personal injury during the assault, wrongful termination and civil rights violations

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