Web Club International L.L.C
Ripoff, mechanically or electronically produced web site visits


WCI sold me a web site in early 2007. It included links to four business intities. They promised to provide a coach who would teach me how to market the site.

Shortly after the site was up, they called back to offer to market it for me. They promised to send 120000 visitors to the site in the course of a year. The only revenue the site produced during the course of the year was about $90. The cost of the marketing program was $3900.

The visits were obviously mechanically or electronically produced since by their definition of a visit, it had to last at least 45 seconds. No person could have logged on and visited one of the four sites and reviewed its contents in less than the allotted time.

I made several attempts to contact my coach, Bob Green, but he was always unavailable.

In the course of investigation WCI, after I discovered that I was scammed, I found literally hundreds of sites similar to the one they sold me.

Company: Web Club International L.L.C
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 7000 N. 16th St. #152
Phone: 8884837030
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Web club international L.L.C
Sent traffic to http, //www.marysamazingbargains.com

Web Club International L.L.C
I was promised a web site that was designed and 100% managed by them. I was promised coaching to operate the site & and coaching to advertise. Phoenix Arizona

Flippa Scam Revealed

Web Club International
I've been scammed by Web Club International!

Assurance Plus
Diverse Marketing Assurance Plus is a scam they promise you to make your money back within weeks and it's been a year and still nothing

Assurance Plus - Diverse Marketing Concepts
Ripoff Direct Deception promised web site that doesn't exist complete fraud

Empty Promises equals Major Rip-off!

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Global Fortune Network
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