World Market Systems
They Sucked me into paying over $4000 over time. Never saw a dollar back yet

Internet & Web

I Have spent over $4000 dollars for "Guaranteed views" and "Thousands of emails" to be sent out. $2500 of it was a charge around 10 cents per person i f they stayed on my site for more thatn 30 seconds. I was told that I would make money soon. I have been involved with this company for over two months. I have not seen one dollar come back to me. The site they set me up for is

I have had over 1000 visitors to my site. Is it possible for over 1000 people to look on my site and not go through any of the companys listed on my site or the "Referals?"

They have promised me that for every new member that went through my site and started up with them, I would get "up to" $500/person.

The "deal" was that i would get paid a certain percentage of a product that an individual would purchase by entering through one of my links. Whenever I asked my "Coach, " John Penalten, about how i get paid, he always told me that it was all broke down on my "back office." Since I have not made one sale, this 'breakdown' has never been seen by myself.

I have spent a ridiculous amount of money over this and am working really hard at my job so that i can pay off my Credit Cards. If i cannot pay my credit cards in time, resulting in Bad Credit.

I am a 19-year-old man who believed in an opportunity to make some extra money and has lost $4001.00 CDN to World Market Systems.

I Spoke to three men: Shawn Adams (Salesmen) Frank Larocco ("Coach") and the last man, who apparently works for the advanced products devision, John Penalten

I was contacted frequently by these people and am ashamed that i was desperate enough to actually spend this much money.: (

Drayton, Ontario

Company: World Market Systems
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3320 W. Cheryl Dr. Suite B240
Phone: 8882307558
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World Markwt Systems, WMS Back Office
World Market Systems/WMS Back Office Told me that I could get money back if no Sales in 3 months. This has not been the case

"world market systems" you will make money even before your website is ready!

World Market Systems
WMS scammed me out of $477.00

World Market Systems
Got suckered badly $4000 - I'm paying them to advertise themselves! Can't ask anyone to buy illegal scam

World Market System
I purchased a programme from World Market System and I believe I'm a victim of a scam. I deserve a refund

World Market System - Pat Mckenna - WSMBackoffice
Webmaster@worldsystems told me that they would help me earn extra money at home, and that it would only cost me $185.00 Canadian to start

World Market Systems
Scam Fraud Fake Ripoff

World Market Systems
Full me one shame on me FULL ME TWICE SHAME ON YOU!

Elite World Systems
Consumer Report

World Market Systems
Remember to stay in the drivers seat and ask questions!