Vanderbilt, morgage, fin
Vanderbilt, morgage - fin clayton homes, luv homes, po distoryed are lives


These people have no dought distoryed our lives? Our land is ruined, we had to walk out of the home with the cloths on our backs. The home had stachybotrys mold in it, we only lived in it three months till we found it in a closet, it appeared to have been painted over, i can say one thing this stuff will make you sick? They would not do nothing about the mold, the manager told me just throw some bleach on it, itll be o, k. Right? I told my wife when we went to look at the home i.E. I dont beleave i would buy any thing from them, and i was right. We have found other people they done this way. They turned this in on my credit report, now i cant even get a phone, we have been for the most part of six yrs, now, homeless running from doctor to doctor and no help yet? I still can not beleave this nightmare and thats what it has been, with no end in sight. How could anyone due this to some body and sleep at night? Iam 58yr old my wife 57, now i ask you arent we to old to live like this, these people have no right to be in business. They dont care who they hurt/.

Company: Vanderbilt, morgage, fin
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Maryville
Address: po#9800
Phone: 18009707250
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Clayton Mobile Homes

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Clayton Homes, CMH Parks, Vanderbilt Mortgage ripoff

Vanderbilt Mortgage
Consumer Report

Clayton Vanderbilt Mortgage & Fin
Ripoff. Lost home, rude, no heart, all in all butt head's

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Ripoff, rude, uncaring people

Vanderbilt/Clayton Very Misleading and Deceptive

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Clayton Homes Land Stealing

Vanderbilt mortage
Clayton homes scamed my husband and me

Vanderbilt Mortgage
Ripoff dont buy from these crooks

Clayton mobile homes/vanderbilt mortgage
Clayton mobile homes knowingly sold me a mobile home with a defective roof, vents on the roof were placed in the wrong places on the roof causing mobile home to leak. Causing black mold and brown cielin