Ronald Thompson, Tom, HOME MADE BEAUTY MAGAZINE Actresses and models, Females wanted


This person post ads on craigslist all over the state asking for models and actress. Has them send pictures, tells them they are hired and sends them a contract to fill out. Once contract is sent back he explains to them that he will be sending them a check in an amount over their pay. They are to cash or deposit it and give the difference to an assistant who will need to buy items for the shoot. It's a scam, the checks will bounce and you will be out of the money and in trouble with your bank. Below is the paragraph where he describes the scam.

"Equipments and materials for the shoot will be arranged and shipped by an Associate, but I need to inform you on this because my client issued your part payment of $700 plus the materials/the equipments charges $2,800 which means you will be expecting a check of $3500 from her as soon as you receive the check you will deduct your part payment of $700 while you send $2,800 to the
company that will supply the materials/the equipments for the shooting, further information will be given as soon as you get the

Company: Ronald Thompson
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: 3535 GARRETT ST
  <     >  


Cliff World Photos
Great opportunity to take your money and scr

Essential Magazine
Name Bryan Anderson Wrote me a bad check that was supposed to be for a photo shoot

Veestudio, Vince Hobbs
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Donald Rahil Logistics
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Supermodels Unlimited
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Peter Smith Have you accessed the companys funds Internet

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