Marshall - Searcy County Arkansas
Marshall, Searcy County, Arkansas Death of Olivia Jane Ward murder coverup political corruption crooked officials ripoff


Death of 16-year-old girl
Arkansas: Murder & Cover-Up: "Justice for Janie" NEEDED

It is time for "Justice for Janie".
Janie was murdered, and the cover-up that followed was/is horrendous.
Janie was murdered in 1989.

(Parents of Olivia Jane Ward ("Janie"):

The Ward family wants their daughter's body exhumed, and another autopsy done.

Their daughter, 16-year-old Olivia Jane ("Janie") Ward, was murdered and noone has / is doing anything about it.

- The Searcy County Sheriff's Department / The Prosecuting District Attorney, H.G. Foster / County of Searcy / the State of Arkansas have ignored their requests for this to be done.

One has to question WHY this case was never properly investigated;

WHY evidence was hidden, altered, replaced, destroyed, & ignored; (including someone changing her clothes AFTER DEATH; and someone switching her x-rays (showing a broken neck), with x-rays of a MALE (who showed no spinal cord injuries.)

WHY the autopsy was done by a medical examiner - who NOW, is known in a tremendous amount of autopsies as: not doing his job properly, giving false statements, not reporting evidence (The "Los Angeles Times" has documented many cases that Fahmy Malak messed up on.);
and WHY the suspect in this case was never prosecuted.
(The suspect was / is the daughter of a judge... The SAME Judge who had / still has jurisdiction over this Olivia Jane Ward murder. (case)

Original Message
From: Billie
To: oag@ag. State. Ar.Us
Sent: Monday, September 08 1:37 AM
Subject: Specifically to Arkansas Attorney General
TO: Office of Attorney General, Arkansas
FROM: Mr. David M. Wilkirson

Concerning the 1989 murder of Olivia Jane Ward... Based on the facts in this case, I would like to know WHEN this case will be properly investigated, and charges filed on the suspect. (and please do not try to tell me that..."if/when "new" evidence is known".)
The evidence has always been there.

The suspect in this case, (the daughter of a judge), and another girl - beat up Miss Ward, the night of the murder. Although the injuries were not enough to cause her death at that time... Later that night, she was killed. Her injuries consisted of: broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs, and bruises all over her body.

In fact, I have a copy of the specialist's report, in which he states: "This was a "homicide". This case should be thoroughtly investigated."
It is important to note, the suspect - only a month before this murder - had "assault" charges filed on her, for attacking another girl.

It is important to note, after the murder, she was then loaded in to the back of a pickup, taken to the Sheriff's Dept.; taken to a car wash, where she was washed down with a power hose; then paramedics were called.

It is also important to note, that the paramedics office was "supposedly" broken in to that night "and all of their records stolen". This was not true. An employee who was present at that time, has now come forward, and stated in notarized statements, that the ONLY documents which mysteriously "disappeared", were two documents (# 29 & # 30 - the documents pertaining to OLIVIA JANE WARD.) (I have a copy of the statements.)

Previously, the 9 members of the Quorum Court members (Justice of the Peace), voted, then advised Governor Mike Huckabee that they wanted the case re-opened & investigated. (I have a copy of the document.)

Still... After 14 years, NOTHING has been done in this case.
There was/is mind-boggling evidence in this case. Most of the citizens of Marshall, Arkansas knew/know about this case, and in fact... Most of them even know who murdered Olivia Jane Ward.

From the documentation I have reviewed of this case... This girl absolutely, did NOT fall off a porch, "9 1/2 inches tall", and kill herself accidentally.
(Medical reports also state: "her third vertebrae was pushed almost through her larnyx"."This was not an accident. This was a homicide".)

From what we have reviewed, it is very obvious that this case has involved nothing BUT... A full blown cover-up, in order to protect a daughter of a judge. There were also threats, made to some of the witnesses - which is a crime within itself.

Some witnesses are afraid to come forward, and they have stated: "I have been threatened. I'm too afraid to talk about it.".

Some witnesses have stated that the suspect in this case, hit Janie Ward with a baseball bat, then ran over her with a car.

At the party where this murder occurred (and also a shooting that night)... This party was attended by underaged High School kids. There was alcohol served at that party (in a dry county). Where were the parents at this party - which was held at a residential house.

The alcoholic punch that was served that night (along with 2 kegs of beer)... The fruit had been soaked the day before... in 'ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL'. (Rubbing alcohol.!!) This was noted in some of the witnesses' statements. Iospropy. Is a poison, when ingested.

It was then decided by the Prosecuting Attorney, H.G. Foster / and the county/state, that a known felon (who was on probation, or parole) - was the one who bought the alcohol for this party. (We also have reason to believe that this man was made a "deal", if he would just say it was he, who furnished the alcohol, to the underaged kids.)

Why were NO charges filed in this case? Why weren't charges filed on the suspect - who witnessed ADMITTED, harmed Janie Ward?
When is this case going to be properly handled...
Because the suspect was/is the daughter of a judge, should have NO binding on this case.

This was/is an obvious murder, and cover-up, and there IS no "statute of limitation" for MURDER.

I am formally requesting that you, and your office, investigate this case or have this case investigated by an UNBIASED party/agency.

As for the Arkansas State Medical Examiner who did the autopsy on Janie... Fahmy Malak - it has now been PROVEN, that this man falsified autopsy reports. The "Los Angeles Times" has PROVEN at least 20 cases, in which Mr. Malak stated murders, were "suicides".

For example:
-A man who was shot twice in the back of the head: "suicide"
-A man who was decapitated - who Mr. Malak said "committed suicide, then the man's dog ate his head." (At that time... The head was missing. Ironically, the head was later found in a trash bin - in another location.)

The citizens finally had enough of Mr. Malak. They protested for Mr. Malak to be taken off his duties as a medical examiner.
Mr. Malak was ALSO the medical examiner who did autopsies on Kevin Ives & Don Henry. ("Boys on the Tracks" - the railroad track murders - in which Mr. Malak stated in his report that those kids "had smoked 20 marijuana cigarettes, then laid down on the tracks, themselves.) Kevin's mother never believed fact... It was later PROVEN, by another autopsy - that Don Henry had been stabbed in the back, and Kevin Ives had been beat in the face with the butt of a rifle, BEFORE those kids were laid out on the tracks, by unknown parties. These kids were murdered.

Janie Ward's parents, Ron & Mona Ward, previously gave their permission for Janie's body to be exhumed, and a "real" autopsy to be done on her body.

The Searcy County Sheriff's Department, and the Prosecuting District Attorney, H.G. Foster (who is STILL in office), has refused to investigate this case, let the body be exhumed & another autopsy to be done..

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and the Arkansas Attorney General, have also refused to do anything about this fact... They continously tell the Ward family..."it is up to the Prosecuting D.A., to do something, if he chooses to."

Concerning Attorney H.G. Foster: During re-election, he took out a large newspaper ad, which stated he had represented the Sheriff, and the County of Searcy (AR), in a civil lawsuit - and had won that case - that had been filed by Ron Ward. (What Foster failed to mention in that ad, however, was... Not ONLY were Ron & Mona involved in that lawsuit - but there was another plaintiff in that lawsut: murdered Olivia Jane ("Janie") Ward.

First Fahmy Malak ruled the death was "accidental".
Then, have two pathologists reviewed the case (and stated it looked to be a "homicide")...
The Arkansas State Crime Lab then changed it to: "undetermined" cause of death, in the murder of Janie Ward.

The Arkansas State Crime Lab also sent a letter to the Searcy Co. Sheriff, and to the Prosecuting D.A., h.G. Foster - and that letter states (which we have a copy - which is shown below):

(Letter from Forensic Pathologist, Harry J. Bonnell, M.D. /
"Second Opinion Services - A program of the "National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc."):

"23 April"

"I have reviewed the materials provided. There is NO objective evidence to substantiate the allegation that this young woman suffered a fatal injury by falling off a porch less than one foot high. The presence of dirt and muck on her pants is inconsistent with such a history; however, this finding, as well as the paramedic description of sand beneath her clothing and her blothing being wet, is perfectly consistent with drowning, as alleged by the parents. The findings described in the autopsy report are also consistent with drowning, which is a diagnosis of exclusion, i.E. No other cause of death determined."

"Missing evidence, her changed clothing (The clothes that Janie had on at the Arkansas State Crime Lab, were NOT the same clothes Mr. Ward saw his daughter in... At the Coroner's office - the day of her murder.), and multiple other discrepancies DICTATE THAT THIS DEATH INVESTIGATION MUST BE RE-OPENED. Perhaps some of the witnesses will have experienced an "attack of conscience" as they have appraoched adulthood with children of their own."


harry j. Bonnell, M.D.
Forensic Pathologist

(Newspaper article, written by Jane Williams):

"Searcy County Quorum Court Demands Justice for Janie"

"In what may be an Arkansas precendent, the Searcy County Quorum Court exercised its authority by unanimously passing RESOLUTION NO. 04 requesting and imploring Governor Mike Huckabee to appoint a speckal task force to re-open and investitate the unsolved (Sep. 9,1989) death of Olivia Jane Ward.
Statements within the resolution included the following:

"On Sept. 9,1989 Olivia Jane Ward met a very suspicious and untimely death. Due to the extreme trauma to the body, it appears to be a probable homicide. Several unusual events happened and a lengthy time elapsed before the death was reported to the coroner and law enforcement. Several documents are belived to have been tampered with, those including x-rays that had been replaced with those of a male. The Searcy County Quorum Court respectfully petitions Governor Mike Huckabee to appoint a special task force in which Investigator Richard Walter from the Vidocq Society may be permitted to assist with the investigation of the death of Olivia Jane Ward, with the hope and expectation that the truth be known and that justice might finally prevail.

We implore Governor Huckabee to make a wise and speedy appointment of the Task Force to
free this community of the fear and division that has haunted it for 13 years."

"Under separate cover this writer is asking Governor Huckabee to appoint Rod Martin of Little Rock to head up the Task Force and appoint State Police Investigator Dan Short, of Russellville, and Richard Walter of the Vidocq Society as special investigators.
Sixteen-year old Janie Ward died Sept. 9,1989. She allegedly died from a fall from a 10" porch stoope where she was attending a party. Her body was then loaded into the back of a pickup truck, taken to the Sheriff's office, taken to the "bank parking lot", then - according to witnesses - the truck and her body were taken through a car wash, where a power hose was used.

Ron Ward, Janie's father, demanded that an autopsy be performed. He observed severe bruises about her head, extending down the left side of her body, and a broken neck. Wet, sandy clothes and grey mud on her shoes were also observed. Soil around the cabin, where the party took place, is red. AT THE STATE CRIME LAB, THE CLOTHING ON THE DECEASED WAS DIFFERENT FROM THE CLOTHING SHE HAD ON WHEN HER FATHER OBSERVED HER AT THE CORONER'S LAB IN MARSHALL, ARKANSAS.
EMS Run Reports # 29 & # 30 on Olivia Jane Ward were the only documents stolen in a break-in at the Pruitt Ambulance Service in Marshall. ON MAY 22, RON WARD WAS TOLD THAT ALL RECORDS AT THE ARKANSAS STATE CRIME LAB, ON HIS DAUGHTER, HAD BEEN DESTROYED BECAUSE OF LACK OF STORAGE SPACE.

(Note: the Arkansas State Crime Lab was NOT supposed to destroy evidence in a case. This is ILLEGAL.)

A prior review of these records had indicated that an x-ray of a male, with an intact spinal column, had been substituted for the x-ray of janie. (which had shown a broken neck.)

From inconsistent witness reports to missing paperwork to physical-threatening of citizens and investigative reporters, and apparent bungling by investigators, has led many to believe the massive cover-ups and subversion of justice could only have been accomplished by the "Arkansas good ol boy political machine."

(One witness has now been "accidentally" killed, by two of the other witnesses, as stated below.)

Even though it was reported that a parolee had purchased the beer for the party, composed mainly of minors, and reports of physical violence and tampering with crime reports and the crime scene were evident - no charges were ever brought against anyone and the case was closed.

On Nov. 10,1992, Executive Director of the Arkansas State Crime Lab, James T. Clark, sent H.G. Foster, the Prosecuting District Attorney, the following in reference to Olivia Jane Ward:

"On Nov. 6,1992, the State Crime Lab Board instructed the State Medical Examiner's Office to file the necessary papers to officially change the cause of death listed on the autopsy report and death certifcate to read undermined and the manner is to stay undertermined."

Some of the additional information coming to light, since the AFV article in May, includes the following:

-Water was found in Janie's lungs;

-A man and woman reported seeing individuals trying to weight down a body with rocks at a creek near the party site, but the body kept floating back up.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, BECAUSE: The clothes that Janie had on when she died, were wet, had mud on them, and she had sand under her clothes.)

-Janie's body arrived at the jail at 6:30 P.M., where Harold Young directed Ron Rose to drive the body (in the back of the pickup truck) to "the bank parking lot".

-One report has surfaced which alleges that several girls were upset with Janie, over a young man she was seeing, and beat her up, down at the creek.
Shortly thereafter, the same young man was admitted to the Harrison Hospital with a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. (The hospital, when questioned, stated they do remember him coming in for the gunshot wound - but no report was made of the incident.)
After coming to the hospital, the man was released, that same day, and he went to his counsin's house, to await him arriving back from being out-of-state.
As soon as the cousin hit the Arkansas border, a State Trooper pulled him over, and told him: "Janie Ward is dead, and your cousin has been shot."

(Note: How did a State Trooper - many miles away/not even in the same area, know about what had happened? / and WHY did he stop the cousin, as soon as he hit the Arkansas border?)

-About one year after Janie's death, another young man - who, it is believed, witnesses Janie's death - was "accidentally" killed.
"American Family Voice" commends the Searcy County Quorum Court members for stepping outside the web of politics to bring truth and justice to the city of Marshall. (AFV published "Justice for Janie" in the May issue and made a plea for individuals with information about Janie's death to come foward.)"
(UPDATE: Richard Walter, from the Vidocq Society, DID eventually review this case. He said that the death of Olivia Jane Ward was a "homicide".

(Letter from AR State Crime Lab):

"arkansas state crime laboratory

"November 10,1992
The Honorable H.G. Foster
Prosecuting Attorney
P.O. Box 1105
Conway, Arkansas 72032

Dear Mr. Foster:

Please find enclosed copies of Doctors Krause and Graham's findings concerning the death of Olivia Jane Ward. On November 6,1992, the State Crime Laboratory Board instructed the State Medical Examiner's Office to file the necessary papers to officially change the cause of death listed on the autopsy report and death certificate to read undetermined and the manner is to stay undertermined.

I am forwarding the copies to you for whatever action you may deem necessary.


Jim Clark
Executive Director

(A letter from U.S. States Senator, Tim Hutchinson, dated October 2, stated):

"It is obvious you cared a great deal for Ms. Ward. Please accept my sincerest condolences. Although I have no jurisdiction over Arkansas police matters, I will be glad to forward any detailed information you can provide me to the Arkansas State Police, on your behalf."

(My note: When a cover-up of a murder has been involved - and the cover-up was done by officials, in the county of Searcy, Arkansas - a U.S. Senator can, and does, have jurisdiction over this matter. He can ask that a case be re-investigated, and in fact... Can ask for an exhumation, and another autopsy to be done!!!)

(Notarized statements of EMS employee, stating that the only documents taken from the EMS building, were those belonging to the case of Olivia Jane Ward):

"Sept. 4,1991

This letter is to contradict that all the ambulance EMS Run Reports and paper work, was stolen from Pruitt Ambulance Service Base, in Marshall, AR., October 1989., as stated by my employee at that time, J.D. Beeson.

The only reports missing are the ones # 29 & # 30 on Olivia Jane Ward, for Sept of that same Year. We know in fact these reports existed, because myself and my wife, Sheila, went over these forms with J.D. Beeson around 3 A.M., the morning after Miss Ward died, the previous evening.

We also informed Major Cossey of the forms concerning Olivia Ward, and other discrepencies, at a meeting with Major Cossey in his office at Arkansas State Police HQ., in Little Rock, in

January 1991.

Sheila Pruitt:

State of: Arkansas
County of: Van Buren

Notary Public
Gloria J. Harris

My commission expires: 8-21-92"

(Note: This scenerio was part of the cover-up:
a "break-in" that occurred ONLY for the reason of taking the documents concerning the death of Olivia Jane Ward.

(Story in "Marshall Mountain Wave" newspaper - July 16,1992:

"Ward Case Reviewed by Two Pathologists"

"The doctors said they did not view actual x-rays, but photocopies which were hard to read. One photocopy of an x-ray furnished by the Arkansas State Crime Lab, the doctors conferred, was NOT that of the Ward girl, but in their opinion, that of a MALE." (Note: part of the cover-up. The x-rays were switched, which is exactly what we thought. - Mr. Ward, Janie's father, now has a copy of this x-ray.)

Both doctors agreed that it was their opinion that the cause of death, as stated by Dr. Malak, was not correct. Malak wrote the cause of death as "hypertension injury". Drs. Graham and Kraus said they didn't believe this was a possibility from the information they had reviewed.

They stated that -the information they reviewed did not indicated Ward died because of a neck injury."

(Letter from U.S. Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation):

"December 30

..."Your letter and enclosures to FBI Headquarters postmarked September 28th seeking to reopen the investigation into the death of Miss Olivia Jane Ward have been referred to me for response. You also allege a possible cover-up in this case."

With regard to your allegations of a cover-up, I must advise that in order for the FBI to initiate an investigation of any complaint we receive, specific facts must be present to indicate that a violation of federal law within our investigative jurisdiction has occurred."

Additionally, murder investigations, in most cases, are conducted by local and state law enforcement authorities. The FBI has no investigative jurisdiction in homicide cases unless a related federal violation is involved."...

Sincerely yours,

Nancy Bronstein
Unit Chief
Office of Public and Congressional Affairs"

(Note: When government officials - including law enforcement agencies - hide evidence; destroy evidence; threaten witnesses; and are involved in the cover-up of a murder... It DOES fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Justice Department, and the FBI.)

(Letter from Attorney General of Arkansas, Mark Pryor)

"October 12

I have received your letter of October 3, and its allied documents, that concern the on-going investigation into the death of Janie Ward, a 16-year-old girl who died under unusual circumstances on September 9,1989, while attending a party."

Because my office has no original criminal or prosecutorial powers, I am not authorized to provide the assistance you request. The power to file criminal charges falls withing the purview of the prosecuting attorneys. I notice from the materials you have enclosed that the Governor has asked the Arkansas State Police and prosecutor to look at this case. I certainly hope that the answers to your questions will soon be resolved.


Mark Pryor"

(Letter from Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Marion Berry, Member of Congress):

"October 18

I have received your letter requesting my assistance concerning the Searcy County Quorum Court and the case of Ms. Olivia Jane Ward."
As a Member of the United States House of Representatives, I have no jurisdiction in judicial matters. You may wish to contact the Arkansas Bar Association."

If I can be of assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact my office. It is with pleasure that I serve the people of the First Congressional District of Arkansas.


Marion Berry
Member of Congress"

(Copy of article):

"Sheriff Loggins Disputes Ward's Claims in Latest Internet Article"

In a just released article in the Internet e-zine, "The Sierra Times", Searcy County crusader Ron Ward takes County Sheriff Jerry Loggins to task for not reopening the investigation into his daughter Janie's "accidental death" (official ruling, before it was later changed to "undetermined"), 13 years ago in which Ward claims was actually a murder and part of a local, regional, and even state-wide3 cover-up/conspiracy."

In the Sierra Times article (which is the latest in a series of "Justice for Janie" articles), Ward says that when he and a large number of local citizens showed up at the Searcy County Sheriff's Office to present Loggins with some petitions and demands to reopen the investigation on Oct. 26, that Loggins was "not present, having chosen to go deer-hunting instead."
Loggins is mentioned in two other instances in the Sierra Times article:
one in which it QUOTES HIS NEPHEW as saying "the lack of investigation by the Sheriff is 'a crock of bull' ",
and the other in which Sierra Times readers are given the Searcy County Sheriff's Office phone number, and encouraged to call him and demand that he reopen the investigation."

Another section of the Sierra Times story that has been questioned by a local resident is where Ward alleges that he has gained the support of a 'key witness' in the investigation from 1989, and that said witness has changed his story that he witnessed the death of Janie Ward. The 'Times' story quotes him as stating:
"To be truthful - I don't know what happened that night", and goes on to insunuate that the witness was not present at the night's events.
(The witness further states): "What I told him", said the 'witness', who asked to remain anonymous, was that I saw her fall off the porch - but I wasn't present "when they loaded her in Ron's (RON ROSE) truck, and took her to town, but Ron certainly had no motive to stop and do anything to her along the way."

(Sheriff Loggins then admitted):
"I admit there are some things that don't exactly add-up on this case, but when you've got a group of teenagers involved - that's usually the case."

Very truly yours,

Mr. David M. Wilkirson"

(Letter which has been sent to Mark Fuhrman - and has now been forwarded to Mark Fuhrman's agent):

Original Message
From: Billie
To: Mr. Fuhrman
Sent: Sunday, September 07 1:27 AM
Subject: Requesting only 5 minutes of your time, to read this case
Hello, Mr. Fuhrman.

I pray you get this email.
I have been trying to find a way to contact you, with the hope that you will be interested in the following case, and will speak with the parents of this 16 year-old murder victim. (Who was murdered in 1989.)

The suspect in the case, was/is the daughter of a judge, in Arkansas. (Searcy County, Arkansas)

The murder occurred in Marshall, Arkansas. The murdered girl's family still lives in Marshall, Arkansas and the suspect now lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

The murdered victim was beat up, and killed (She sustained a broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs, and bruises all over her body).

Afterwards... The body was loaded up in the back of a pickup (that belonged to Ron Rose), and taken to the Sheriff's office, where they were informed to take the body to the "bank parking lot". Supposedly (from witnesses), the truck & Janie's body then went through a car wash, where power hose was used on the truck, and the body..

Sheriff Jerry Loggins then called the girl's parents, and stated: "There has been an accident. Your daughter has been taken to the hospital. I am coming by to get you."
(After he got there) He then tells the father, that his daughter is not at the hospital.

Ron Ward next saw his daughter, when he viewed her body at the coroner's office / funeral home.

The cover-up that ensued... Was to try to convince others... That she fell off of a 9 1/2 inch porch, onto some dry leaves, and broke her neck.

(There have now been Forensic reports done - and they state, it was a "homicide.")
There is other proof, and other documentation - that also proves it was a homicide.

However... The suspect has never had charges filed on her, or brought in to a court of law... Therefore, there has been no "Justice for Janie".

There were also plenty of witnesses to the murder. (It happened at a party - in which high school kids attended.)

There is plenty of proof in this case.
In fact... 9 justice of the peace (in Arkansas)... Asked the Governor of Arkansas to have the case re-opened. However... That has not been done.

There are MANY cover-up aspects to this case.
I really need to Mr. Fuhrman to contact me. (He can just email me. I can then give him the contact info., for the family of the murdered girl.)

The family of the victim, Olivia Jane Ward... Really need his help. They have been trying to get justice in this case since 1989. There is NO doubt... This was a homicide, and there is NO doubt... That even authorities were involved, in the biggest cover-up I have ever seen in my life.

The suspect's father, the judge, is still a practicing judge, in the state of Arkansas.
It is beCAUSE of his authority... That his daughter has not been filed on, for murder.
It is also important to note... That one month before this murder occurred... The suspect had charges filed on her for "Assault", for attacking another girl.

Mr. Fuhrman, I am also in possession of some very important documents, which I have saved on my computer. (Which I can send you, if you would care to look at them. They are very eye-opening, to the fact that this was a homicide. There is a Forensic report (stating "this was a homicide, and hopefully the witnesses will come forward - since they now have children of their own"..., replies back from the F.B.I., replies back for the Arkansas Attorney General's office, copy of document in which the 9 Justice of the Peaces (or Judges, rather), said this case should be re-opened, and the information stating they were asking the Governor of Arkansas, to re-open the case (which, the Governor never did)... And other documents as well.

After the murder, there was a report filed stating that the paramedics office got "broke in to, and all the records were stolen." (it was found out later, that only two documents "disappeared"... Those concerning the murder victim.); there is also a statement from an employee (paramedic), in which he states, those WERE the only documents taken - and that those documents were there when he left at 3:00 A.M. That morning.

Mr. Fuhrman, you just have to see this case for yourself. You will not believe, the cover-up that has happened in this case.

Mr. Fuhrman... Citizens of Marshall, Arkansas are aware this was a murder, and they also talk about who murdered her. (daughter of a judge).

However... (for reasons unknown)... The witnesses are too afraid to come forward.
Some of them have stated: "I have been threatened. I'm too afraid to talk about it."
Some of them have also stated: "Judge xxxxxxxxx is a very powerful man."

One witness (who first said the girl died from falling off a porch, and breaking her neck), has now told the father that: "I did not see what happened. Keep trying to find the answers... Who did it. You will find out. I know you really loved your daughter."

There is also another weird incident involved in the scenerio...
At the same party that the murder occurred, one of the kids also got shot in the shoulder.
He was sent to the hospital (and they remember the incident, and that he had a gunshot wound to his left shoulder.) However - no police report was ever made AND... No incident report at the hospital was every made. The same day, they sent him home.

(He went to his cousin's house, laid on the couch in pain, and waited for his cousin to arrive from being in another state. As soon as his cousin came across the state line of Arkansas, a State Tropper pulled him over and stated: "Janie Ward is dead. Your cousin has been shot, and is waiting for you.") - this made NO sense, whatsoever. How in the world did the State Trooper know all of these details, anyway? They were not even called to the scene of the crimes. (Witnesses have now stated that a group of girls at the party were mad about who Janie was dating. - That boy, was the same boy who was shot at the party.)

Mr. Fuhrman... The family (Ron & Mona Ward, parents of Olivia Jane Ward) desperately need your help.

The system has failed them, and it continues to do so. Mr. & Mrs. Ward are very aware that their daughter was murdered, they are very aware of who did it, and they are very aware of why there has been a cover-up in this case.


Billie M. Teague

This has been just a sample of the evidence, and sample of the letters that have been written.
It is time for "Justice for Janie".

There is some type of political corruption/cover-up going on, concerning the murder of Olivia Jane Ward.

The death of this 16-year old child was never properly investigated, and she has never been given a proper autopsy.

It was / is obvious, she was murdered (she did NOT die from falling off a 9 3/4 inch tall porch, with piles of leaving surrounding the porch.)

A broken neck, broken jaw, broken ribs, and bruises & markings all over her body... This child was murdered.

With a proper autopsy, we feel SURE that this case will be proven to have been a murder.

The suspect in this case had also been bullying Janie at high school.
Witnesses stated that the suspect "beat up Janie pretty badly that night." (at the party.)
The suspect had "assault" charges filed on her, (only a month before the death of Janie), because the suspect had attacked another girl.

(There may not be a record of these assault charges now, however, because records seem to "disappear", in Searcy County, Arkansas (and other parts of Arkansas, as well.)

This could have been YOUR child.
Get involved!!!

Call the Searcy County, Arkansas Sheriff's Department;
the Arkansas Governor's office;
and the Searcy County Prosecuting District Attorney, Harry G. Foster,

And tell them: you want this case investigated, and another autopsy done on olivia jane ward.

Company: Marshall - Searcy County Arkansas
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Marshall
Address: P.O. Box 8517
Phone: 8704482340
  <     >  


Federal judge james m. moody& us gov"t us supreme court
James Moody intervened on my case after Judge Reasoner died, dismissed a case that had a trial date

Daniel P. Ward
Judge Ward bites the dust charged with 15 counts of unethical conduct

Monroe County Florida State Attorney Dennis Ward
Incompetent, derelict of duty, disgrace to state attorneys office

Sheriff's & prosecuting attorney Brent Davis
Justice for b.J. Smith jr. Corruption of

Preston Wadkins
Sold us a 1989 Ford Mustang and WILL NOT give us a clear title. Consumer fraud ripoff

Arkansas Towing And Recovery Board
Ripped off by state goverment other towing company's using state for own betterment

Candise Winder
Candise Greenwell Corrupt Case Worker for Adult Protective Services

District Attorney Lynne Abraham
Ripoff Argued A Charge In Court Of Which I Was NOT Charged To Keep Me In Prison Corrupt Misconduct and Lies

Global Systems & Technologies - C. Gino Ward

Churchill County Justice Court - Daniel P. WardChurchill
Daniel P. WardChurchill County Justice Court? Rip-off unethical political corruption Not a real Judge! Ripoff Judge Ward's decisions go in the favor of businesses