Fair Lending, LLC
Forensic audit of loan docs and modification assistance


My husband and I too have been victims of Fair Lending Review! We paid over $3000 to get assistance from them in the loan modification process. We signed and paid them in April of last year and at first everything was going along swimmingly. Our account initially was subcontracted to Loan Modification Services, Inc. And they were great! While they were negotiating for us progress was being made and calls were quickly returned. Then I was contacted by Mr. Goyler and informed that they were no longer working with them and that Tricia Hanson would be taking my case over. That was around September, needless to say the last contact I had with Tricia was Oct. 6! Their numbers no longer work, nor does their website or emails. Also I did some searching and found that On July 28 the California Real Estate Commission filed a desist and refrain order against them! They were still contacting me and asking me to fax things over to them after this date!
We were introduced through the friend of a friend and she was working for them. I tried her number as well, but it doesn't work either. I have recently been able to get a working number for one of the people that used to work for them and I have left a message with no response. If anyone does decide to file a lawsuit against them, I wil be more than willing to pass all information I have for them to aid in the recovery of our money.

Company: Fair Lending, LLC
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa mesa
Address: 3185 Airway Avenue Suite C-2
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Fair LEndig Review LLC
Fair Lending Review collected $3000.00 from me with the intent on performing a Forensic Loan Modofication

Fair Lending Review LLC
Fair Lending Review took $3,100.00 from me promising to negotiate legally, to modify my home loan

Fair Lending Review LLC
Colin Cobb failed to deliver on their promise to negotiate with my mortgage lender, they stole $3000 and never rendered any services

Fair Lending Review / Modification Services
Tricia hansen, maryann chanel took 1995.00 to modify loan which never happened

Summit Lending Corp
Summit Lending Loan Modification Summit Lending Corp, Loan Modification Program. Took me for $1600, I started business with this corp on 5/27. They were to work with my mortage with an loan modification. It is now explain to me

Truth in Lending Auditors Scam Ripoff
Tila2.com Scammed by Truth in Lending Auditors Scam Ripoff

Summit Lending Corp
Scamed me out of $2000.00

Fair Lending Review / Modification Services
Told me to pay them 3500.00 and they would get me a loan modification

Fair Lending Review - FLR
Myfairlendingreview.com Beware of a letter in the mail from a so called Loan Modification Division that call themselves FLR or Fair Lending Review

Fair Lending Review LLC
Scammed me out of $3,500 for a so called loan modification that was never obtained