IOS Telcom - San Antonio
PayPhone Ripoff!


Recently used a payphone in Atlanta airport and then got charged $34.81 for a 2 minute phone call. Obviously anyone would know that this is not what you would expect for a 2 minute collect call, I was expecting maybe $5-$10 charge.

Called toll number and got someone right away, after complaining once, they offered $5 off bill, laughed at them and said is that a joke? They offered $10 off. Explained more to them that this was ridiculous and that if they upfront told people how much this would cost, no one in their right mind would use their service. Of course, the lady had many excuses and arguments as to why it was so high. Details of charges she quoted are below:

$34.81 Total Charge - Insane!
$10.98 automated operator fee - For a computer voice to talk to?
$5 property fee - for the phone to be there?
$6 non subscriber fee - who the heck subscribes to pay phone service?
$4.47 call time - what I would expect to pay plus a connection fee of maybe a couple bucks
$. 60 dial around fee - have no idea what this means
$5.22 universal service fee - she explained that this is also on my home telephone bill, which I don't have
$. 54 administration fee - for what, to pay her $10/hr. To answer complaints all day?
$5 PCI compliance fee - to securely protect my 2 minute call from interruption?

Please spread the word to NEVER use payphones anywhere... I would friend a stranger before even thinking about doing this again.

Company: IOS Telcom - San Antonio
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Phone: 8002262606
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Ohare phone
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