All-Types Expediting / O'Hare Logistics
Midwest Expediting, O'Hare Logistics Rip Off, Con Artist, Scam


Anyone who is desperate for a job, don't be desperate enough to go to work for All Types Expediting, Midwest Expediting, O'Hare Logistics. They are all the same company & are all run by the same person, " Stewart Nye". I also have reason to believe that "Stewart" is also "Dave" & "Ron". He WILL rip you off!
I paid $195.00 upfront for a drug test & orientation. That should have been my 1st clue. No one should have to pay anything to go to work for someone else. Anyway, he made it sound good so I went for it.
I had to leave my car there (Ft. Wayne) to insure that if I quit I would bring his cargo van back. I worked for this thief for 5 days. He put no money in my account for fuel (supposed to be 16% of the load). I picked up & delivered 3 loads (supposed to be paid 35% on top of the 16% for fuel), & ended up in Boston, MA. It was a holiday weekend & I was going to be stuck living in that van for at least 4 days, waiting on a load. Needless to say, I called & told the dispatcher (his wife & the only dispatcher) that I was done & I was bringing the van back.
I was told that I owe them $340.00 for personal use of the van. I was bringing the van to them from Boston. How could this be considered personal use?
I took the van to his Chambeau Rd., Ft. Wayne address. When I pulled into HIS parking lot, apparently I ran over a small piece of metal & the tire went flat. He (Stewart) told me I had to fix the tire & wash the van, which I refused to do. Then he wanted the keys to the van & I refused, because my car & keys were no where in sight. He told me if I moved the van off of the property, I would be arrested. I called the police (Stewart was gone by the time the cops got there) & the cop told me to change the tire & drive the van back home since he (Stewart) has my car.
As I was removing the flat tire, Stewart came back & took the spare out of the van & locked in his building before I even realized what was going on. I called the cops again & of course he took off before they got there. The cops took me to a tire place to get the flat fixed. I had to call a friend from home (65 miles away) to come help me get the tire back to the van. I put the tire on & drove the van home. This was Sunday, Feb. 14.
The next afternoon I got a phone call from "Debra" (Stewart's wife-the dispatcher) wanting me to bring the van back on Wednesday. Now they say I owe them $384.00 (more miles on the van).
I arrived there Wed. Morning with a police officer with me. "Stewart" inspected the van & said everything was fine. Then he started demanding money or I wasn't getting my car. The cops told him the money was a civil matter, but holding my car was a criminal matter, a felony. He didn't care, he refused to tell me or the cops where my car was. This went on for 3 hours. So he was charged but not arrested & was free to go.
The cops took my wife & I to the mall where it would be easier for someone from home to find us & take us home. After about an hour, the officer called & said that Stewart had called his attorney & was told he'd better give us our car, which he did. He (Stewart) had put 80 miles on my car!
I didn't give him any money. I don't owe him anything. He owes me for 3 deliveries & fuel. I lost at least $1200.00 working for this scum for 5 days. I'm just glad I quit when I did. I figure I'll never see my money, but hopefully all of us that have been ripped off by this guy can get together & put him in jail. He has been doing this to innocent people for years & he needs to be stopped!

Company: All-Types Expediting / O'Hare Logistics
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Fort Wayne
Address: Chambeau Road
Phone: 2604831800
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