My genva watch
I won genvawatch I was on I won web site and that some free gifts all I had to was postrd $5.00 which did. I received my credit card bill and was charge $88.99 for the watch. I recived and is not worth that much money


I was on I won web site and that some free gifts all I had to do was paid the posed $5.99 which did. I received my credit card bill and was charge $88.99 for the watch. I recived and it not worth that much money. I need to know how I can get a refund for $88.99. I will be glady to donate to you legal defense.

Company: My genva watch
Country: USA
Phone: 18778729911
  <     >  


Genva watch
Internet i won a genvawatch ad had to py shiping 489 and was latter ripoff onehundred dollars

Consumer Report

Mark Max
Consumer Report

MNC Watches
Consumer Report

Mark Max
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

William J Cowie
Bill Cowie, Bill Cowie purchased a Seiko Wrist watch from us through Dispute the charge and refuse to return the watch., Windermere
I got a pop-up offer when I opened another site offering a watch for only S&H. I did not see any info. That said it was a 14 day free trial. They have now taken $99.42 out of my check acct. And refus

TV Guide
Deceptive advertising of free gifts and preferred subscriber renewal rate

Consumer Report