Survey Pro
Survey Doctor Both are charging separately, but providing identical information, and are run by the same person


I signed up with both of these websites, thinking that I would get leads to different companies, and different information. The leads are all to the same companies, and the emails sent out are absolutely identical. Paid my money twice, but am only getting one lot of information. The information they give is mostly a rip off as well, where the companies require a purchase before you earn points.

Company: Survey Pro
Country: USA
Address: The Survey Doctor, P.O. Box 7003, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
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Quality Smith Inc
Bad Leads, Bad Information. Leads you can't use

Loan Web
IHomeowner ripoff, Promised 10 min old leads, leads were old or never interested often recieved leads with bogus information or incomplete information
Poor Business Practices/lied about their services
False Advertising! Promised payment for surveys taken online. After the membership fee was submitted the website proved to be a SCAM with a promise of a 60 day Satisfaction Guarantee! Never responded back

Hotline Claim Services
Ripoff Paid on-line survey secrets e-book teaches you how to scam survey companies Atlanta
Ripoff dishonest useless

Amazing Paid Survey Guide
Ripoff Misleading information on how the "cash" is paid to someone

SRC Leads
Beware of buying sales leads from this company

SRC LEADS - Survey Resource Center
SRC Leads Defrauded by Survey Resource Center aka SRC Leads

Survey Scout
Two bad choices