Complete misrepresentation of opprotunity 1947 North Gessner, Suite 610, Houston, TEXAS, 77080


This company lures hard working, skilled telemarketers to work basically for free for a few weeks, scrubbing their database ad kicking them to the curb. Training is nominal as is support and there is a small investment in equipment and a landline phone required up front. They claim you will be making 12-25 dollars per hr! Don't nelieve it. I know my hourly wage came to less than $4 for 3 weeks. I maybe could have made more had I stayed on, but as I said, I was summarily kicked to the curb. Had a little better income lined up for the next week. There is NO hourly pay. You will be working straight commission, but will be unaware of this until you are already quite busy. And what I specifically mean by kicked to the curb, is that I asked to continue on... I had more invested in making it work than they did. Paying me straight commission involved no business risk to the company. Anyhow, I would seriously avid buying their line of crap and going to work there. They have attempted to legitimize the opportunity by having it listed on Tory Johnson's ABC GMA website. I am trying to get ABC to remove this company from their list and would encourage all former employees (and there must be trainloads) to contact ABC as well.

Company: Telereach
Country: USA
Address: 1947 North Gessner, Suite 610, Houston, TX, 77080
Phone: 7139568700
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Tracie Chancellor, President Former employee of TeleReach, TeleReach Corporate, Houston based, work from home SCAM!

Pays employees when they feel like it!

Is not worth the work

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