Xtreme Marketing, Inc
Scott deceitful munipulative inconsistent contradictive lies


When you Google this company the first thing that comes up is a consumer complaints. That should be your first clue not to work there. I received this warning but, I chose to give it a try.in the advertisement for this job, they say "no cold calls" and the pay is $10/hr or commission, whichever is greater.

I worked here for 1 night and every single call was ICE cold. This should be your second clue for why not to work here. You haven't even begun the job yet and they're already deceiving you on the job description. We haven't even gotten to the best part yet.

Next, and most importantly, is the pay scale. This job description explicitly and openly promises $10/hr or commission - whichever is greater. I talked to several people who have been working for weeks and haven't been paid for their hours. I asked the owner how he manages hourly wages and he automatically started sales-pitching me numbers (EXACTLY like you're asked to do on the phone) about how much commission you'll be making on your successful appointments... Everyone I've met who works here is a fool who easily and readily believes exactly what this business tells them. He "paints the picture" without filling in the details and wow does it look good. But if you were to zoom in you would see that his grand illustrious painting was a pile of shit that you actually have to shovel. This business is a marketing scheme and sadly the telemarketers are the ones who are paying (with their time and hard work) to work here. It's obvious that this business has no qualms with munipulating its employees by promising an hourly wage that simply does not happen.

At the end of our conversation the owner told me that I was way too negative for this job and he didn't want me working here. I articulately expressed that I love the job of talking to people on the phone and it's only the pay that I'm concerned about. He goes back into promising great pay in the future saying that you're paid on the people that show up for the appointment. I met a person who was working there for 2-3 weeks and he's waiting for people to show up for their appointments before he gets paid. If this job actually paid hourly, he would have been paid for all the hours he put in working there.

During our private conversation, the owner then said that you must make at least 4 successful appointments before you can be paid hourly. He said it was in the back of the instruction book and acted like I should already know it by now. Last night, I read through my entire instruction book, which I can tell you more about later if you'd like, and there was nothing of the sort. They never said I would need 4 successful appointments for the hourly rate in the job advertisement nor in the orientation nor ever. I had to approach the owner myself, with my alleged "negativity" in order to find out how to make an hourly wage.

I wasn't being negative at all. I was simply asking how to earn the hourly wage as advertised. The owner then said "You're too negative. If you don't want to do the job then I don't need you here. I don't want you working tonight." I'm not disgruntled. I'm not angry. I just want people who are inquisitive like me to know my account of this marketing scheme. A sense of reality and value for inquisition will not match his idea of a qualified employee.

Company: Xtreme Marketing, Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lauderhill
Address: 4634 N. University drive
Phone: 9545332611
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