Danielle K Davis
Articlewriter1 I rendered writing service worth $112 but was never paid!


Danielle Davis (of New York) engaged my writing service sometime in the latter part of December. According to her ad, she was experiencing an overflow of work.

I started writing for her right from the time she hired me. She required me to rewrite articles for $10 for 400-word articles. These were submitted promptly and she even manifested her satisfaction with my work. As a result, she further delegated work to me.

She said the articles I have completed from the time I started until my last article (before January 15) will be paid on 15 January. She responds quite late. On that date (15 January), I forwarded to her the termination of my service, the payment details, and the list of articles completed but no response came.

After that date and despite repeated demands, she suddenly made excuses that she will pay me but her money still needs clearing with the bank. She kept saying this and weeks passed, but no payment was made. She even offered me additional work but I refused until I receive my money first.

She then promised to pay me on the last weekend on January and I forwarded (again) the payment details she requested. But until this time, I have not heard from her. So now, I am constrained to file this report for nonpayment.

I have performed my services with utmost professionalism towards this client and I expected her to do the same. Sadly, she is quite a disappointment.

Company: Danielle K Davis
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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Danielle K Davis
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