Berks County Technology Consultants - Matt Heckman
Rip Off


I hired Matt Heckman to break my husband's pass word as I suspect he was cheating. Matt Heckman stated that he was a private investigator as well as a IT specialist and one of his specialties was computer security but he worked the other way as well. Because he knew how to secure a computer, he could break into it as well. He did for the past 3 day I have been trying to get in touch with him and canceling all of my credit cards as the day after Matt Heckman was in my computer, I started getting large charges on three of my credit cards. My credit cards are canceled and I had insurance on them if something like this would ever happen. Thank god. Everything is under investigation now. While it may not be him, I do wonder why he will not return my emails or phone calls. He is a scam. Don't let him near your computer.

Company: Berks County Technology Consultants - Matt Heckman
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Phone: 4843880619
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Berks County Technology Consultants - Matt Heckman
Didn't fix my computer, worse off than before, won't give money back Reading Internet

Berks County Technology Consultants - Matt Heckman
Berks County Technology Consultants Matt Heckman has been spamming Reality Without Apologies with his "Free the Z's" harrassment & will not stop when asked to do so. He feels he doesn't have to follow the same rules others do & continue

Berks County Technology Consultants - Matt Heckman
Berk's County Technological Consultants, This man has no ethics or morals and should not be trusted with anyone's personal IT needs

Berks County Technology Consultants - Matt Heckman
Internet Stalker, Compulsive Lia

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