Easybyteshop.com FRAUD ABUSE unk


This is the hackers way of getting into your computer to collect passwords and credit card numbers. This will MAKE you buy the product in order to supposively make your computer work again and rid of all trojans/worms.
The one I had was called Personal Security. It will scan your computer and tell you so many virus' have been found. It will not allow you to get on the internet, on your desktop or anything else. I tried to purchase this product and it did not give me an activation key but took the money out of my account.
I then went in and did a system restore and was able to remove the spyware attack. You cannot uninstall it. It will immediately tell you to purchase the product. So, here is the kicker. There are 3 different sites from one hacker that will attempt to take the money from your account.
One of these hackers is from Lativa... That's in Europe. If one of the programs doesn't work they will attempt to use the other two to get the money. Make sure you call your bank and tell them about the fraud. You might see vsosecuresoft.com/easybyteshop.com/ontracksoftstore.com show up on your bank statement. There are NO CONTACT numbers.
I did get this email today, "Dear Kellyanne We noticed your attempts to buy Personal Security, but unfortunately both your transactions did not come through. Could you please try to purchase with another credit card again? Or you can try to use your card in 12 or 24 hours. Please feel free to get back to us with any question or request. Best Regards, Laura Vasquez Customer Support Specialist".
No contact number, still no activation key, but took $89.90 from my account. The so called customer service are actual foreigners with made up names.
I suggest that if a program shows up on your computer that MAKES you buy a product, do an immediate system restore to a previous date. Run any Spybot/adware/virus scan and report it immediately to your bank just in case.

Company: Vsosecuresoft
Country: USA
Address: unk
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Realgoldsoft Baku Aj
Ripped me off by charging my bank card for addding bogus security system to my compute

Realgoldsoft Baku Aj
Real Gold Soft They got me for $49.95 U.S. For a two year contract charged by REALGOLDSOFT BAKU. It instructed me to purchase their product and use it to scan my computer. I used my bank card and divulged all my pe

Real gold soft
Security system for computer security tool for computer, worms, trojans scams, credit card hackers

Antivirus Pro 2008-2009
Antivirus pro 2009 is a maliciuos spyware system! -do not download anything

Best Soft Solutions
System Tool Malicious software disquised as antivirus program

Norton Internet Security 2007 not so secure

Realgoldsoft Baku Aj
Strong arm tactic

Marketingsoftsolutions Baku
Hacked into my computer and forced me to purchase a virus protection because it said i was infected with viruses

Ripoff dissappearing credits think they are above the law

Anti-virus Scam, Pop-up Virus Scam