Mark Merolla
A Little boy gets the time with his father cut in half thanks to Mark Merolla


My Ex wife moved out of the area with my son! (this is illegal she is suppose to ask me first) She has lied over and over to the court about where she lives! But that seems to be OK no Penalty for that!

On the day of my hearing my ex wife and her attorney showed up, and her attorney went in the back and apparently had a closed door meeting with Mark J Merolla, the hearing master. I later found out that Mark J Merolla and My Ex's attorney work together all of the time, and that he told her what the decision was going to be prior to going in. BEFORE THE HEARING SHE KNEW WHAT THE DECISION WAS!!!

In Pennsylvania a relocation hearing is suppose to figure out a number of things.

Is it done on a WHIM? Well my Ex wife has moved 9 times in 10 years either for men or money, even going as far as moving away from another child who was then 7, to Cape May New Jersey because she decided at the age of 40 that she was a Beech person. (for this she moved 2 hours away from her 7 year old son) this latest move was because she said I got her fired from her job (I proved this a lie) and that she had to find a cheaper place to live because I took her to court to much (I guess one time is a lot to Mark J Merolla) and that was only because she canceled my health insurance for no reason to save $38 a month!

How much more of a whim can there be then she moved because she found a house for $4500 and decided that instead of working she would live in her shack, off of her child supprt payments. (this is the only reason she moved) but Mark J Merolla decided that 9 moves in 10 years and 4 kids by 4 different people does not make her a whimsical person, nor does her 8 year old child being in four different schools by the 3rd grade, make a difference, to Mark J Merolla! (I wish I knew what was said at the closed door meeting with her attorney)

Another Issue is Schools! I brought up to Mark J Merolla that the schools where my son lived is ranked in the top 15% in the state, compared to where he moved to which is in the bottom 15% of the state, Mark J Merolla had no reply to this at all. I had information in my bag that would have proved this but Mark J Merolla never asked! (It was as if the decision was made already)

Standard of living, My Ex lives in and still has a house in Berks county its a nice house in a nice neighrborhood (she could simply move back to it)! But Mark J Merolla decided that it was in my sons best interest to live in a 900 square foot house on a ski slope of a hill, that my ex paid $4500 for in old coal minning town in one of the worst schools in the state, with a convicted felon (her other daughter who isr 28 who has never had a job except raising her welfare baby,) and My Ex's new Boyfriend. So you have 6 people in a 9oo sq ft house, that was purchased for $4500, now 2 hours away from the two youngest children fathers. But this is considered a good standard of living I guess to Mark J Merolla. He never even asked to see the pictures of the $4500 house that I had.

Circle of infuence and this is my favorite one, My Ex has never show much interest in her children other to collect child support for them and go on vacation with it! (don't forget that she abandooned a 7 year old with her father to move to New Jersey) that did not even faze Mark J Merolla (when brought up he asked no questions about why she is so interested in my son while she abandoned 7 year old ten years before)

Her family has shown about as much interest in My sons life. When he was born not one person in her family even showed up at the hospital of her six brothers and sisters not one! On his birthdays nobody came from her side, christmas nobody (Mark J Merolla showed little interest in these facts either) why did you not bring up why she is now moving 2! /2 hours away from her teenage son who lives in Montgomery county that she abandoned with her father when he was 7 Mark J Merolla

Now me and my famaily have been with my son in "08' 191 days in "09" 195 days my parents take him to their house in Florida 6 times a year and have always been there on a whim to watch him, We have paid thousands in Dental work for him, and paid for his pre-school as well as te pre school for my ex's other child! They have more money in toys at their house (as do I) than my ex has spent her entire life for all of her kids combined, He knows us better than anyone else in the world. And now thanks to Mark J Merolla that time is now going to be cut by over 50% (I thought it was about keeping the child with the people he knows best mark J Merolla)

Even My Ex's family (who never paid any attention to him anyway) all live in the Montgomery county area, 2 hours away. Where is the circle of influence Mark J Merolla? Absolutly no one my son knows lives near him anymore except the people who live in the $4500 shack! Yet Mark J Merolla thinks that's OK.

Oh My Ex did bring up one person a brother who lives in a shack 20 miles away from her now, and who I don't think has seen my son more than 5 times in his life (because he is usually in jail) My Ex said this mutaple felon with 3 active arrest warrents is close to my son now. When I brought up that I had copies of the 3 current arrest warrants out for him Mark J Merolla did not even ask to see them (once again it seemed as thought the decision was made already)

Other factors that mark J Merolla failed to justify is continued contact he is cutting a little boys contact with his parents and grandparents 50% with his joke of of a custudy order, the same little boy who's mother use to drop him off for extra days all of the time because "He wanted to go to daddies house"

Substantially Improve a child's life: how is this going to do that Mark J Merolla.

The Potential advantages of the move (because his mom is lazy is the only advantage to this move mark J Merolla) please tell me if any others besides your doing a favor for the other attorney who you held your little private meeting with prior to the hearing?

Adequately foster the ongoing relationship between parents: Is cutting the a father and sons time together in half considered fostering the ongoing relationship mark J Merolla?

Another funny thing with this is that my Ex wife never said she wanted my time cut prior to your joke of a hearing. My ex parties on weekends, and has not watched my son for a weekend in years Mark J Morello. And I think she was in shock that she just won something she was not even looking for Mark J Merolla. This was all brought up in the hallway with your friend her lawyer that you had your little pre hearing conference with Mark J Merella.

Also Mark J Merolla howo did she know she was going to win before we even started how did she know your decision before the hearing Mark J Merolla. Do you always tell the other lawyer at your private meetings what your decision is going to be before your joke of a fact finding mission?

Geographical distance great enough to alter the relationship: Now I am expected to drive 4 hours round trip to see a son that I have watched 195 days a year play a baseball game. I did all the hard work to get him good and now Mark J Merolla is going to take my ability to see everygame and coach his team away. All so his lazy mother can go jobless with her welfare daughter and keep my son in a $4500 ft shack. Boy is my son going to have his heart broken when all the other fathers are there but his. Because of Mark J Merolla.

Congradulations Mark J Merolla you just gave a woman who

Abondoned a 7 year old!

Lies to the courts over and over and over!

Has never shown much interest in watching her children more then the bare minimum to collect child support!

Who has left her children in crack houses, with escaped convicts, with murders, with minor children, with people she has never met, all so she could go romance and party! And yes I can prove all of this if you bothered to ask!

A woman who once went to the grand canyon for 2 weeks and never let me know I had to take care of my son until she was in the Las vegas airport. But this was never brought up at your Hearing Mark J Merolla A good fact finder your are not!

But then I think the Pre hearing meeting with my ex's counsel, (you know the one that my attorney was not invited to) is were this decision made. And I am not going away Mark J Merolla I will not let you wreck my sons life with your joke of a hearing. And I hope you don't make stealing little boys from there fathers who watch them 195 days a year decisions without doing a little more fact finding next time, because I think you owe it to the children to do a better job!

Company: Mark Merolla
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Reading
Address: 633 Court St
Phone: 6104782900
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