Your complaints are retarded - Employees rule. Customers that complain can go away forever. Nobody likes you. We cringe at your site


Just about all of you that have complained about Walgreens are so off base it makes me sick. People that make $7.50 an hr aren't going to treat you like you are at Nordstrom so stop acting like they are supposed to.

Your pharmacists and technicians are busy so don't be a douche and act like you are the only one in the world. It's rude.

There is a reason you are at a pharmacy. You are sick or have a cosmetic issue that you want to try and take care of. Don't ask stupid questions. Nobody wants to hear your life story about how you got herpes and can't afford your meds.

If you are coming for an antidepressant, we don't need to tell anyone what meds you are taking. Your bitchy attitudes say it all. Most of you pharmacy customers are douche bags that make me embarrassed for our human race. How can you be so intolerant. It's not fast food. If someone says it takes an hour, it takes an hour. Don't complain about it. If you come back in an hour and its going to be another hour because you didn't bring your insurance that YOU should understand BEFORE you bring it in, that's your problem. Don't freak out.

I love Walgreens. Now you can either shut up and pay up or go to walmart and enjoy your 5 hr waits there. Ungrateful little bastards.

Company: Walgreens
Country: USA
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Pharmacy - pharmacy

Refill issues, pill shortage, lying

Switching Drug Manufacturers

Walgreens Pharmacy
Ko-Ko Rude, untrained, uninformed, careless, thieves, uncaring, understaffed, unproffesional


Walgreens Pharmacy
Walgreens pharmacists claim to be doctors, limit meds, won't give complete prescription, even though doctor prescribed it

Walgreens treats customers like thieves - Employees rule. Customers that complain can go away forever. Nobody likes you. We cringe at your site

Best of the BEST - pharmacy

Pharmacy accuses me of forging, tampering with prescription and has police arrest me ripoff

Walgreens pharmacy
Outrageous prescription prices