Entergy Arkansas
Entergy Arkansas Inc Poor customer Service and lies - violated their own " Code of Entegrity"


I witnessed Entergy line staff clearing trees and limbs between power poles and the electric boxes on peoples houses in my home town. I lived out of town, and had some severe tree problems hampering my power lines. I reasoned that taking care of them before the snows and bad weather hit (I had just moved in) and having seen Entergy clearing lines, I called Entergy to confirm they did this. I was told yes, but they could not give me a time. I had to arrange to get someone out at my farm while I was at work so they could come trim the trees between 9:30 and 5:00. A couple of days later. I had a person lined up and called Entergy back to schedule. I was told now, that no... Entergy didn't clear trees. It was "Not their responsibility" I was told I would have to hire a tree trimmer to come trim the trees at my own expense. Needless to say, I could not find any tree trimmer willing to cut limbs that close to high power lines. I mentioned to this person that I had witnessed the crews, in entergy trucks, clearing trees from lines in town. I was basically called a liar. The next day, armed with a camera, I got pictures of their crews clearing trees, even those in resident's yards. I saw one Entergy employee open the door and walk in one house like they lived there. I guess Entergy employees homes are treated differently with priority?
I called Entergy back and offered to send in pictures of the crew's willingness to clear trees in the city, but I was not allowed to send my proof of these incidents in. The ice storm hit a couple of months later in Janaury and as I feared, the trees falling ripped the electrical service out of my home and barns. I ended up paying (and still am trying to pay) to have all that restored since I had sold the place and closing was in two days. It has caused financial hardship that continues for me.
Fast forward... On January 23, being moved in a different home, my neighbor came over one stormy night to tell me my meter box was open and although they had closed it once, it had blown open again. They had been out of town and didn't see it until they had returned. I never go on that side of the house unless I mow, so in winter, getting home at dark and being single, I don't make it a practice to hike around my property. It was raining hard so I went out and found that the panel was wide open, not having a latch on the box and it had blown up and over the meter box and hung on the meter itself. It had been that way since my neighbors left on vacation. The person who reads the meters seen it open and I guess thought it would be "safe" to leave the panel open to the elements. The latch was broke off and it would not close enough to keep rain out. I closed it as best I could.
I called Entergy, knowing that water and electrity don't mix too well (I consider that a hazardous condition) and I didnt want the meter to get damaged from water running in behiond it... I explained that it was the meter box, NOT the box inside my house. (I don't know where the rep got the idea that it was raining in my house. She thought I was talking about the the internal breaker panel. Brilliant) She said that she would get someone out to fix it.
I soon got a call from a person named " Jackie Louis", who claimed she was a supervisor, stating and repeating their famous catch-phrase "It is not our responsibility", it sounded like she was reading from a script. I have a tip for you. I am not a robot, nor a parrot... Repeating the same phrase to me over and over will NOT make me believe it. My concerns were not addressed by this Jackie person at all. She said that "I had to hire an electrician" (Here we go again). Do elecetricians repair latches and doors??? I don't think so...
I work 40 hours a week and yet my income level is at poverty. Where do these Entergy "Customer Care speciclists" think all that money is going to come from to fix their equipment for them?
Another situtation, another run around of not getting ANY customer service in an emergency. I was mislead by the first Entergy associate that help was on the way. Mu concerns were not addressed. I got the impression they wanted to just "get the call over with" and didn't really care if I was helped at all. I went on their website trying to find it in writing of what their responsibilites are and I found some really funny stuff called "Power to Care" (Which I find funny because they don't) More amusing reading was found in their "Code of Entergty" in the sections entitled "Focus on Customers" and "Treat People with Respect". It is impossible to get in touch with any of the "higher ups" as contact information is not listed. I can see why.
I don't call being misled and lied to, and refused service that is offered freely to employees and their friends "focusing on customers" or "Being treated with repsect". Entergy has forgotten the masses pay their salaries. They sure stick their hand oput when they want paid though... Thats as far their customer service goes. This is the problem when one company is allowed to monopolize a service... It becomes corrupt and the masses suffer.

Company: Entergy Arkansas
Country: USA
Site: entergy.com
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Without lights for 3 nights

Charge my with a 900.00 dead meter bill after 2 months of moving into my home

$200 Deposit for being on the disconnect list twice but never got disconnect

Entergy Corp
Tampering Fee

Entergy of arkansas
Entergy doesn't care about folks in depressed areas hot springs arkansas

Rip off

Tree Removal

Multiple Power Outages

Electric Service Entergy
Bad service

Entergy, Louisiana, Corporate
Accounting, Billing, and Customer Service (s) Department (s) DISABLED VETERAN, HOMELESS PROGRAM, SINGLE MOTHER