Disney Channel
Murder of a United States President - Suite Life on Deck


I am utterly appauled at this channel. I was sitting watching Sweet Life on Deck and they were doing a talent show with one of the charaters portraying Abraham Lincoln, she was trying to recite the emacipation proclamtion and messing it up, which is not what the problem is. My problem with this channel is that the black character named Mr Mosby said" Where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him?".. I was stunned that a president of the United States would be disrespected in such a manner. What are they teaching our children? That murder is ok regardless of color? Had that comment been reversed and a white charater had said"Where is James Earl Ray when you need him?".. This would have caused an outrage. I find it very sad that this company I loved as a child and have spent several hundred dollars supporting would degrade a president who was assainated while in office and Im OUTRAGED!!! Shame on you Disney, Walt would not have wanted his company to be run this way

Company: Disney Channel
Country: USA
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