CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Do not call them - fees


They keep you holding for hours tried on 3 different phones - and send confusing important changes about increasing rates that you need an accountant to translate - seems that they are just snubbing their nosses at the president and anyone who tries to help the consumer - anyone buying into any product or service from ge has to be crazy - what does it take to get any satisfaction?

Anybody out there got a way to get these guys to stop gouging consumers. Are you listening pres. Obama?
Pat dougherty, flanders, nj

Company: CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Country: USA
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CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Account charges - credit account

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Fees and rates are Financial rape!

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Rip off - Care Credit credit card

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
CareCredit DOESN'T CARE!

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Credit Card Interest rates more than doubled

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Bad customer service

WRAL News / Larry Stogner Reporter
No Respect for President

Fox Translate
These guys are awesome! - Fox Translate

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Can't log in - Carecredit web site access

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
GE Moneybank complaint