Chevy Chase Bank
A Division of Capital One, N.A. The Grinch That Stole Christmas for a measely $135.00


Chevy Chase Bank is the grinch that stole Christmas for my 2 year and 7 year old children. I had just been to the bank to cover with cash an NSF that occurred because of bad math on my part. However; it brought my balance to $0.00 for my direct deposit in two days.
That very same day another charge appeared on my account for $99.99 for some miscellaneous company that you can't contact by phone and need some ID number to access. I called Chevy Chase on Friday 12/18/09 and told them that this was not authorized charge on my account. They told me that they would initiate an investigation that would take 10 days after I mail them back the affidavit. I told them that would mean I won't have access to these funds $135.00 (because they charged my account $35.00 for the NSF) for Christmas for my children. The woman on the phone ensured me that I would and that after the investigation if needed they would get the funds from my direct deposit. Which didn't concern me because I don't have any dealings with this company.
I went to purchase Christmas items for my children this morning. After being snowed in all weekend and my debit card was declined. There was a Chevy Chase Bank 4 doors down. I went to see what was going on. The woman told me I could only access $80.00 from my account because of this charge. Although I told her that I was told I would have access, she simply said "you can't access what's been taken". I asked what since does it make for me to make a personal visit to the bank to cover a NSF and then turn right around on the very same day a create another one? She said that they have their rules and that the investigation COULD take 30 days and that they were doing me a favor by fixing it in 10 days.
If I had my checks mailed home, I wouldn't have these problems and my children would be celebrating Christmas on 12/25/09 as opposed to 1/10/10.

Company: Chevy Chase Bank
Country: USA
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