Human rights abuser—my employees forced to work when ill


I worked with the company Biomerieux for many years during this time they refused to honour many contracts, regularly refusing to pay me for word completed even though i had contracts. Even when i had contracts with a price stipulated they reduced this price when paying without any notice to me.

One of the most disgusting things i witnessed in my professional contact with Biomerieux, in a contract i was givem them they wrote a clause"bonus malus" which means bad bonus, even the title is a mockery bad bonus. This clause went directly against all human right and was imposed by threat againsy myself and employees, the clause stipulated that if any of my employees were ill and could not work for biomerieux and i could not replace them (which is impossible at short notice such is the nature of illness) then biomerieux had the right to take a percentage of money from my global invoice, my global invoive each month was enormous i had at any time up to 15 employees working in the company so this threat was very menacing, they would punish my company and steal from 15 employees if only one was ill, this of course was totally illegal on behalf of biomerieux..

Biomerieux stipulate we never enforced this threat which is the very idea of a threat however, i had to ask on several occassions my employees to work when ill so all the others would not be penalized by biomerieux. On one occassion well documents one of nmy employees worked when ill, i did not know how ill and he collapsed at work, he had to have medical attention in biomerieuxs own internal infirmary, AFTER THIS i informed biomerieux it would never happen again they could have my money...

All the above is a matter of legal record and i would caution any company, hospital, university, fron working with this criminal organization called biomerieux... All documents of above available upon request..

Company: Biomerieux
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Phone: 9196202000
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Biomerieux, did not honour its contracts and refused to pay for work done under contract conditions.internet

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